Taken by a Stranger (Part 1)

When Brandon got out of the car, Casey got out slowly so she would not be noticed. She just could not even get to Brandon's whereabouts when suddenly someone came back to his memory. He did not even know where that memory came from but he only knew one thing, it was also the content of his dream the other day, she could hear voices speaking but he didn't know from whom it came to add to it that it wasn't he could clearly see the face he was visualizing.

(What was going through her head while she felt dizzy)

"Did you really think you will just stay in this place and not accompany us inside?" Lakambini Leila, Leticia's mother, asked her sixteen-year-old daughter back then. Perhaps she is concerned that her daughter would become bored outside of Rajah Benecio's house, but she is unable to intervene because Leticia refuses to interact and prefers to be alone.