Hidden Anger (Part 2)


"Even if I was afraid previously, your impersonation of a dangerous animal fascinated me. Don't worry, I know you're dependable and trustworthy, unlike Eulogio, who often complains to my parents anytime I do something he dislikes." She confessed, she never wanted to be close to the young man Eulogio because he always felt in danger whenever she was with him as if she wasn't comfortable, so whenever they come to the San Isidro area, the girl prefers to be alone and away from the Rajah's son.

Leticia was taken aback when she observed that Sullivan, the young man, had suddenly gone silent, and she wondered whether she had said something unintentionally the previous time she spoke.

"Is there a problem?" he asked of the young guy, he had a cause to return his gaze to her as he looked her in the eyes.