He's Muddled (Part 2)


She then saw that the four men protecting her had vanished; perhaps they had determined where the sound was coming from, so she pondered leaving the chariot and escaping in that way without anybody knowing. She couldn't stand the fear of where that sound was coming from any longer, and all she wanted to do was get away from where she was before, even if it was just for a while.

When she was sure that she was far away from the Rajah's house, she sat down on a huge boulder and examined her feet; this was the first time she had stepped on the ground; it was disallowed for a Rajah's daughter to step on the ground because they were already considered as dirty, and for their ancestors, women's feet were the most important part of their bodies. She brushed away her tears once again for the fear that her father would chastise her if he found out that she escaped and stepped her feet on the ground for the first time.