The Reunion (Part 2)

"You are too loud, and the only thing that should be done to someone like you is to be hurt!" The individual, if recognized, is named Brandon, and he shouts loudly. "Tell me where the daughter of two persons who live in that house is!" Brandon yelled at him again, and despite his fear, he opted to stand up. He won't be putting his recognized older sister in danger, so he just chose not to say what he knew he shouldn't because he didn't want to betray Casey.

"Even if I die, I will never tell you that." Brandon's rage was heightened by Liam's calm yet vigorous pronunciation of words.

For some odd reason, he had already readied his hand to punch the kid in the stomach, but Liam quickly restrained Brandon's enormous fist. Even he was taken aback by his own strength in those moments even Brandon, who possessed a strange strength and power of his own, was taken aback by the innate energy of a child half his age.