"I need to go pee", says Kiera.

"Okay ", says Lorenzo as he keys her go. She sprints to the bathroom and locks it behind her. She had never slept over at someone's place nor had she ever used someone else's bathroom. The thing with females was that no matter how much you held it in it would still be loud.

Lorenzo did not care about any of that. She was pretty and he wondered who had hurt such a beautiful soul to make her look so broken as she was. She had never been loved before.

He saw the way she looked confused anytime he said something sweet like she was not sure if she was the one he was talking to. He was curious about her parents and wanted to know more about her.

There was something different about her and he could just not figure out what it was. She was not of his kind that he was sure of. Her scent was something else.

Something he had not smelled for a long time. She was a bit human. He wondered if she knew it but by the way, she looked, she did not have any idea.

As she leaves the bathroom there he was sitting on the bed looking like a snack. How could someone be good-looking? Every time she looked at him she was mesmerized by how good he looked. He was a walking Greek god.

"Why you staring you want a taste?", asks Lorenzo as he sees her eyeing him.

"Yes I would love to have a taste of that but right now am craving something else ", she says as she rubs her tummy. She was starving. She was a person who liked to eat and it was not like her to stay this long without food.

"Come on let me go fix you something to eat", says Lorenzo.

"I hope by something you mean an actual meal and bit just cereals and milk", she says as they leave his room.

She had not taken a glance at his house when they had gone over at night. They were so engrossed in fucking each other that she had looked around. It looked beautiful. It was big she could bet money that this was a family house.

There was no way he just lived all by himself in such a house. It was a bit even a house it was a mansion. She marveled at the art on the walls. It was a sight to sore eyes. She could stare at all those paintings all day long trying to understand what the artist was thinking when he was drawing them.

"They look good huh?", asks Lorenzo.

"Yeah, they are I could stare at them all day long it's like bam drawn in when I look at them", said Kiera.

"Which one is your favorite?", asks  Lorenzo.

She looks at all of them and points at a picture that looked like it was a forest with just green vegetation around it. The details had been emphasized it felt like you were there. The sky was dark like it was raining but there were no droplets on the leaves.

"What did you think of it?", he asks her.

"When I look at it I feel like I am stuck in it. Like, am caged in my head. Every time I look around I feel like everything is going to be okay but it never does. It's just an ongoing cycle in my head that does not end. It's the clear definition of my head as a jungle.

The sky is dark meaning it's going to rain. In other words, if it rains it means that all the bad soil will be washed off and we'll start a new one when you look at the ground in the picture it's hard and dry like it has not rained in a while. So it's just in my mind that I think things will be better but they aren't it's just all in my imagination. It looks so lonely ", she says as she turns to look at him.

He was amazed. She had gotten everything right and all his feelings. They said that pictures had a lot of meaning and the close you looked at them the more you understood the picture.

"I drew that", he says.

"It's an amazing piece", she says.

"Yeah it is, so far I like it more than the others. Every time I look at it I feel like am back to the moment when I was drawing it and I can feel all the emotions all at once", he says as he smiles sadly.

"Do you draw anymore?", she asks her.

"No, not really, my dad hates when I paint. To him, it's just a hobby and maybe it is, I used to draw a lot when  I was a kid and mostly as a teenager. I was always alone here so it was the only thing I could do to keep me sane, he says as he chuckles and he takes her hand as he leads her downstairs to the kitchen.

They all burst into laughter as they enter the kitchen. There in the middle of the kitchen lay their torn clothes. If someone had come in when they were asleep they would never use that countertop if they imagined the things that were done there.

Flashes and images of the things that happened on that counter excited Ari and she wanted to do them all over again. She could handle a little soreness between her legs.  She wondered how something would hurt and also feel so damn amazing. It was like it hurt but then she liked the pain that came with it. She wondered what had become her. Ever horny, it was not like her.

"Do you love pancakes?", he asks her.

"Yes I do love pancakes ", she says and he takes all the things he needs and starts making the food. Everyone loved a man who could cook and here she was leaving the dream of all the girls.

She was just a pretty princess waiting to be served in line she was done sort of royalty. That was how it was supposed to be though. She deserved to be worshipped like the goddess she was. She did not know how much power she had but she was about to find out.

Her twenty-first birthday was coming up and she was so excited to know what the new year had in store for her. The surprise she was about to get was something she had not expected and no matter how many times she was told about she would never be prepared for it.