chapter twenty-four

It was out of character for Li Hung to act like in such a flirtatious manner towards another, but in that moment, he couldn't help himself. The more time he spends around the omega, he found it difficult to control his actions and emotions.

Gathering his bearings he returned to Mi Ling's side, clasping the vial tightly between his fingers, he knew how absurd it was taking the word of an omega he really didn't know, but he had the stragne feeling he could trust him.

"Your majesty, Doctor Tang and madam Lu Ming has returned, he advised we make Mi Ling as comfortable as possible for the next few days" Toshiaki reported in a low dejected tone, his eyes visibly depressed. The two men had been getting on quite well over the past week they had been travelling, so close in fact that Li Hung had mockingly thought to himself their relationship was more like developing lovers, despite the age gap and Ronald threatening appearance.