Chapter 48: Change III

Word spread quickly across the empire of Li Hung's decree, and unsurprising, the news was not well received.

Over the past weeks Li Hung was unable to visit Agnellus, entrusting the omega in the hands of his mother, having been travelling over the empire seeking forgiveness from the people and enforcing is decree. One by one, each kingdom reluctantly returned their omega to the institution, and accepted Li him as their one true alpha without contest. 

Due to the suffering of his people caused by him, and also due to missing his Omega, Li Hung was affected mentally and emotionally. He had intended to bring the other with him, but his mother told him otherwise, claiming Agnellus needed to begin training on how to be a good wife. Something he was excited about in his perverted mind.

He and Toshiaki have already reached the Kazakh tribe, which will be their last stop before they can return home.