Crying Scorpion

It is said that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. The right way to approach one is to take note of their cover and then see what's on the inside. Maybe there's something surprisingly beautiful to find.

However, there is a good reason we people judge books by their cover and it has evolutionary origins.

Long ago, when cavemen wandered the forests, whenever they would hear a noise, they'd get cautious. The movement of leaves told them information about the creature lurking behind the leaves and the noises gave them a good idea of what to expect.

They would raise their weapons and get ready for a fight. It was their instincts that told them either they do that or become dinosaur food. And of course, because the cavemen wanted to live, they'd follow that voice.

Even if there was a chance that might just be a small rabbit or a child behind that bush, there was a good reason to be cautious.

You can never know what lurks behind that bush.

– – –

Something moved. Tanuki and Maduka turned around and raised their weapons.

What met their eyes was a terrifying sight. It was a scorpion the size of a horse. Its claws and stingers were replaced by large smooth orbs that bore the might of wrecking balls. Its mouth had large fangs like a stag beetle.

The chitin and powerful orbs of the creature were coated in pink, while its fleshy parts were all dark blue. Mushroom and moss coated its back as if they were a moist cape shielding from the wind.

The entire creature resembled a toy more than anything, but that wasn't enough to make its dangerous aura disappear.

"Do not be afraid, for I intend no harm." The scorpion's voice sounded deep like a rockfall.

"S-Stop right there! Who are you? Explain yourself!" Tanuki tried to act confidently, despite being scared out of his mind.

"The Sati eat stone, not flesh. I have come to ask you for help."

Despite not answering Tanuki's question, what he said was good for the two. Whatever the monster's intentions were, at least the two of them won't get eaten.

Still, they weren't about to blindly trust someone who looked like he could easily crush them.

"How do I know you're not lying? What if you just want us to lower our guards?"

The creature gazed at him with its three pairs of eyes. His stiff figure and small but noticeable trembling made it clear that he wasn't in a calm state. The air around him was dense and stressful.

"H-Hello?" Tanuki called out to the creature.

The scorpion bent forward on its legs and bowed. Tanuki was left dumbfounded by this act, but the scorpion begged him before he could've asked any questions.

"My tribe is on the brink of extinction! We are not strong enough to deal with our problem and it's already too late to run."

The scorpion's voice was desperate. The pain was clear in his eyes.

"Please! Listen to the Chieftain of the Sati tribe as he dishonors his ancestors by begging aid from an outsider! I wish not to hurt you, nor could I with my sickly flesh! Please, help us! I beg you!"

The scorpion cried. Tanuki was even more surprised by that, as he has never seen an insect let out tears.

He wasn't joking. Whoever this creature really was, there was no question about it: he was in dire need of their help.

"Is da spider… crying?" Maduka asked. "Nuki, why is da spider crying?"

Tanuki was presented with two choices. Either he approaches this being and risks both his and Maduka's life by showing kindness to a never before seen monster or he denies his offer and makes a run from the angry scorpion.

"Despite his size, he doesn't look that strong…"

The voice and slow movements of the creature indicated that he wasn't young. His title only furthered this truth, as chieftains are usually one of the oldest members of a tribe.

But was it worth risking their chances? Even if the creature sounded desperate, Tanuki knew that scorpions are incredibly dangerous beings. Their poison can cause breathing difficulties, paralysis, and even death. Not only did this monster most likely possess poison, but its claws were also replaced with strong balls of cement.

This monster was destruction on eight legs.

But even then, he was asking for their help.

Tanuki knew what it's like to be weak and knew how incredibly hard it can be to reach out for help. It takes way more courage than people might think.

Not only that, but you have to be incredibly desperate to ask a complete stranger for help. The scorpion even went so far as to dishonor itself by bowing down before them, despite him being at least two times their size.

Tanuki made his choice. He put away his weapon.

"Alright, there's no need to bow! How can we help you?"

Maduka recoiled. She looked up at Tanuki, who answered her confusion with a simple smile.

"What is ya…" But she stopped, knowing well that Tanuki can be trusted. She put aside her spear as well while letting out a loud sigh.

The scorpion raised his head. Color returned to all six of his eyes as a newfound hope rushed through his heart.