{It was end of four realm with Empress Xiao yu Fan.}

Alive immortals and gods settled in human world. As the time passed by.


Time went by and ancient countries develop and modern city was made. Immortals and gods change their name.

It was 21st century. (They started a small business and their business went on.)

March 3, 2021

In a city called Tianjin in China,

There was a crowd in front of the company called "Shine on" (one of the top company). There were lots of reporters. Then, there came the cars. A man came out of a car. Reporters surrounded him.

He was Mr. Li Chu Hua (president of "Shine On").

Reporter ,"Mr. President, isn't new CEO coming today ?"

President Li Chu Hua ,"Yes, he is here with us today. "

Reporter ,"Who is he ?"

A young and handsome man who look very intelligent came out of a car.

President Li Chu Hua ," This isJawlong, new CEO of the company."

Reporters tried to asked him question to Jawlong but he went inside the company.

In meeting,

All the company shareholders were there.

President Li Chu Hua ,"Let's welcome our new CEO. Jawlong. "

Everyone welcome him.

Meeting went on for sometimes.

After finishing meeting,

Jawlong went to meet President Li Chu Hua in his office.

Jawlong Hua (Prince Long Hua),"Father , I think I won't be able to take care of our company."

President Li Chu Hua (Jade Emperor Donghua), "Don't worry, my son (patting Jawlong Hua) you will definitely do it. I have faith in you."

Jawlong Hua ,"Yes father... I will work hard. I won't let you down. When is mother coming back ?"

President Li Chu Hua ,"She will be back within the week after settling business in Beijing."


Secretary Lin Shan entered.

Secretary Lin Shan (Attendent Shuiton Shan) ,"Your highne..... sorry, Mr. Jawlong someone has come to met you ?"

Jawlong Hua ,"Father, I will go now. "

He went from there. Someone was in Jawlong office.

Jawlong Hua ," Mr. Ah Kum. How have you been ? Please take the seat. "

Mr. Ah Kum (Chief god Hei Ping), " I am good . By the way congratulations Jawlong. "

Jawlong Hua ,"Thank you. How came you are here today. "

Jawlong Hua ,"Humm I came here to give you invitation. We want you to be chief guest of our programme. "

He handed invitation to Jawlong.

Jawlong Hua ,"Ok. Thank you for your invitation. I will come for sure. "

Mr. Ah Kum, "I have to go now. "

Jawlong Hua ,"Umm."

Mr. Ah Kum smiled at him and went from there.

Somedays later,

In Tianjin University of Technology,

(Graduation Ceremony 2021)

In the auditorium hall,

The programme starts,

"I Yu Chan, University president of this year 2021, is the host of this year "Graduation Ceremony". Now let's welcome Mr. Ah Kum, Chairman of our University. (There was a loud applause). And let's welcome Chief guest of our programme Mr. Jawlong Hua, CEO of "Shine On". (Again there was a loud applause). Let's call Mr. Jawlong on stage. Please come and distribute the degree. "

Jawlong went on stage and he congrate students and distribute the degree. And he gives a short and sweet speech. After finishing programme.

He saw someone. He was about to follow that person but Mr. Ah Kum start to talk with him. After talking he look around but....

To be continued.......!😄