Orika Chiba

I sat on the train with Orika and Orishi as we headed into the city of Yukihori to go to the hospital. I looked out the window and Orika scooted over next to me then poked my arm.

I looked at Orika and noticed her smile. I smiled back then adjusted myself so I would face her. "I'm okay if that's what you're wondering about. I'm just worried about going back to my home town is all."

"Okay.." Orika nodded and looked out the window. "I was born in Yukihori as well. I got news that my grandmother was hospitalized and no one knows the cause. I'm worried about her, I pleaded Headmaster Yusa to let me go see her."

"I bet your grandmother is a strong willed person. I'm sure she's going to push through." I reassured Orika, not wanting her to think of the worst possibility.

Orika smiled at me then nodded. Orishi sat on the other side as she smoked her cigarette and listening to us. She closed her eyes and exhaled softly. She knew if there was an unexplained cause, it is most likely caused by something bad.

The train stopped at the Yukihori Station and we got off the train. We made our way to the hospital. Orika was growing more nervous and scared. She just hoped it was a sickness. I looked at her then held her hand as we walked together. She looked at me then our hands and calmed down a bit.

"Don't worry Orika...I can promise you she'll be okay." I reassured her again.

She nodded and looked ahead, seeing the hospital. We entered the hospital and we walked to the front desk and Orishi stepped up.

"We are here for Yo Chiba. It's an emergency." Orishi said then showed her LIONS Badge.

"Oh, Miss Ashikaga! Her room is Room 246 on the second floor." The lady at the desk answered.

Orishi nodded and walked towards the elevator. We followed her and we got on the elevator. We rode the elevator up to the second floor. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. The air got a little heavier for Orika. She began to think the absolute worst possibility. She doesn't know how badly her grandmother is injured. She doesn't know her true condition. Her body began shaking a bit.

We went towards her room and Orishi opened the door. Orika looked inside and noticed her grandmother laying on the hospital bed and the sight destroyed Orika. I looked at Orika and Orishi closed her eyes and sighed.

"It's worse than I thought. Someone was behind this attack...Yukihori is mainly known for random assaults, but for it to be this bad.." Orishi said.

I walked in the room and got a closer look at Orika's Grandmother. She had bruises all over her body and the doctor looked at us then sighed soft.

"What's the condition?" Orishi asked as she walked in.

"She's not making it. They beat her to an inch of her life. She was lucky enough to make it here but her condition is too fatal, there is nothing we can do about this." The doctor said. "We've tried every procedure possible, but..."

"Grandma.." Orika cried softly. She held her grandmother's hand and her heart shattered completely.

"Are you sure there isn't anything you can do about it? Nothing at all?" Orishi asked. "You're the doctor, you got a degree in this field and you're telling me you can't do anything about this?"

"I'm telling you, we've tried everything. She's just not going to make it. All we did was prolong the inevitable. It's her time to go. The Heavens are calling her and she's going to go to paradise." The doctor said.

I walked towards Orika and gently rubbed her hair. I felt her sadness and it really touched my heart. I looked at bit sad and wanted to do all I could to comfort Orika.

Orishi crossed her arms and exhaled. She lowered her head. "Do you at least know who did it?"

"It was said some guys in an alleyway did it. They hang around a large building called the Judgement Tower all day long and while Yo Chiba was heading back to her apartment after checking in with her daughter, they came out and assaulted her for whatever reason." The doctor said.

"I know that building. I was at that building for a mission a while back. They might be the same thugs who were catcalling me." I said.

Orika let her grandmother's hand go and wiped her eyes. She looked a bit depressed and walked forward. "Let's go..."

I looked at Orika then hurried behind her. "Orika wait."

Orishi bowed at the doctor then walked out of the room and closed the door. She hurried behind us.

I grabbed Orika's arm and she stopped walking. I looked at her worried. "I'm sorry Orika...I was sure she would.." I got quiet and looked down.

"It's okay, Hisumi." Orika looked at me and smiled. "There's nothing I can do about it, so let's go home."

I looked at her then noticed her pained smile. I let her go and she walked to the elevator. Orishi noticed the events unfold and ruffled my hair then walked ahead. I looked at Orishi then hurried to the elevator. We walked inside and rode down to the first floor. After the elevator stopped, we got off and exited the hospital.

I walked ahead and walked towards the Judgement Tower. Orika noticed where I was walking then quickly followed me.

"Where are you going? The station is the other way!" Orika called out.

Orishi felt my Fell Energy and watched me then followed us.

I continued to walk to the Judgement Tower and eventually made my way to the tower then walked to the wide of the building still seeing the glass shards and dried blood. I looked ahead then saw a group of men laughing and talking. I summoned my sword then Orika grabbed my arm.

"Hisumi, what the heck are you doing..?!" Orika asked.

I looked back at Orika and looked back at the men in the alleyway. "They hurt someone you care about and I bet they don't feel any remorse."

"You can't just kill them..! Listen it's okay..! I-"

"It isn't okay. Your grandmother was an innocent woman minding her own business. They hurt her and hurt you. I won't let them get away with this." I said then Orishi grabbed my shoulder.

"If you're going to do this...use your hands and not a weapon." Orishi said.

I looked at Orishi and sighed then my sword vanished. Orika let go of my arm and watched me walk forward towards the thugs in the alleyway. They stopped talking as they noticed me walking forward to them. I glared at them and their leader stood up and chuckled softly.

"Hey there, babe...You lost or something?" The leader asked and walked towards me. He grabbed my hair then smirked as he sniffed my hair. "You have a beautiful scent...How about you come over with us and we show you a good ti-"

I interrupted him by grabbing the crotch of his pants and sending a powerful shock throughout his body. He yelled in pain and fell to his knees when I let him go. He growled and looked at me then stopped when he saw lightning energy crackling around my arms. His lackeys looked at me as well and froze up.

"A fucking Valkyria...heh. I should've known the moment you walked up. Who sent you? The cops?" The leader of the thugs asked.

"No one sent me. I went to the hospital with my friend and the doctor told us you hospitalized my friend's grandmother. You killed an innocent lady and I would kill you all if my teacher wasn't watching. Count yourselves lucky, but I'll leave you all with this..." I said then held my hand out then sent a blast of lightning at them and gave them all a deadly shock.

They yelled in pain and I stopped myself from killing them. I lowered my arm then turned around, walking back to Orishi and Orika. They looked at me and Orishi rubbed my back when I walked passed them. Orika followed behind me and we went to the train station. The train arrived then we got on the train to head back to St. Fraskia. Orika had her head on my shoulder and I looked at her.

"You didn't have to do that for me...Sure, those jerks deserved it, but you didn't have to go out of your way to do that...especially when you grabbed their leader by the crotch giving him a different kind of discharge..." Orika smiled and looked at our hands. She looked up at me.

"I couldn't just let justice go unserved...They needed to pay for their actions. You're my best friend Orika...I couldn't just let you be sad. I hate it when you're sad, every time we talk on the phone you're so happy and it makes me happy. I'd do anything to keep that smile on your face. Your smile is very important to me." I said then brushed her hair from her eyes.

She closed her eyes and smiled. She opened her eyes to look back at our hands then sighed softly. "It feels as if I've known you since forever. You're one of the only real friends I've had in a long time...Just know, I would do anything for you as well. I would move mountains for you."

"I know you would." I smiled and closed my eyes.

Orishi smiled at us then looked out the window.

We made it back to campus and we got off the train. Orishi walked forward and we said goodbye to her. Orika took me to her dorm room so we could hang out more. She opened the door to her dorm room and we walked inside then I noticed another woman sitting on the couch listening to music. The woman had long black hair, purple eyes, wore an eye patch on her left eye and wore a witch's outfit.

"Bring Me The Horizon again, Ambrosia?" Orika asked.

"Better than the lame shit you listen to." Ambrosia said then opened her eye. She looked at us then smiled. "Ahh, the underdog of the B Rank Valkyrias. Hisumi Ishida. It is nice to meet you. I am Ambrosia, I am a member of the Student Council. It is nice to make your acquaintance."

Ambrosia stood up and walked towards me and licked her lips a bit. Orika grabbed my arms and glared at Ambrosia. I looked at her and back at Orika.

"Find your own! You're not using Hisumi as a lab rat for your little spells!" Orika said then dragged me to her room.

Ambrosia smirked and crossed her arms. "I can sense she's already fallen for her..."

Orika slammed the door closed and sighed then looked back at me. "Sorry about my roommate. She's a Witch who loves to use people for her little tricks. She's also an A Rank Valkyria and the Vice President of the Student Council so she's pretty strong."

"I can tell, her energy felt powerful." I smiled and watched her walk towards me.

"I wish to be like her...strong and dependable. I don't want to slow others down anymore...Especially when I am with you. I don't want to slow you down." Orika said then sat on her bed and sighed softly.

I sat beside her and looked at the TV. "You don't slow me down. You never have and you never will in the future. I promise that." I playfully bumped my shoulder into hers.

Orika smiled then looked at me. I looked at her and felt her wrap her pinkie around mine. I blushed a bit and looked away a bit. Orika tilted her head to look at me and wondered what was wrong. I looked down then looked back at her.

"What's wrong..?" Orika asked.

"N-Nothing. Just...I want to take it a bit slow. I want to know you better..." I said then stroked her hair. "Don't think I don't like women because I do, but I still want to know you more and there are still some things you don't know about me."

"I-I see.." Orika stuttered and blushed.

"I'll do this though." I whispered then leaned in to kiss her cheek. Her face immediately got hot and she blushed uncontrollably. I smiled and pulled away.

"Th-Th-ThAnK yoU!" Orika squeaked and covered her face.

"You're welcome, now let's do something." I smiled and watched Orika turn on the TV.