Chapter 9

Benjamin pulled Louisa out of the bedroom, and as soon as the door closed behind them, he released her with such force that she staggered and nearly fell, leaning against the wall opposite the room.

"Have you lost your mind?" Benjamin asked through gritted teeth, closing his eyes and placing one hand on his waist and the other on his right temple.

"It was unintentional. She moved and I didn't expect it, I lost my balanc-"

"You can stop lying, right now!" Benjamin cut it. Louisa was sobbing from crying. "I didn't think you were like that." Benjamin said, looking Louisa up and down with contempt.

"What do you mean by that? I'm not lying." Louisa asked, astonished.

"Look, Louisa, you and I," he motioned with his finger, from her to him, "don't exist. There is nothing between us." He said, exhaling, as if explaining something for the millionth time.

"Ye,s there is. Friendship. We're friends, aren't we?" Louisa asked. Benjamin shook his head.

"I can't be friends with someone who hurts others like that, out of sheer spite, Louisa." He took a few steps away from Louisa. "Even more hurting someone who is already hurt."

At that moment, Louisa couldn't control herself. She let out a disdainful air as she wiped away her tears.

"Hurt? Benjamin, haven't you noticed this girl is faking it?" Benjamin turned even redder with rage. He took a menacing step toward Louisa, who took a step back until her back was completely against the wall behind her.

"That's it! You are despicable, Louisa Dubois. I don't know how I could have thought you were a good and kind person. On the contrary, you are cruel, mean and a viper!" He spat out the words. "Never speak to me unless it is absolutely necessary, in matters between master and servant." He ordered, turned around and walked away, but before he reached the stairs, he shrugged his shoulders at Paul. Benjamin didn't stop walking.

"Hey!" Paul complained. He looked down the hall and saw Louisa, pushing herself away from the wall, wiping away her tears and walking towards him with what little dignity she had left. "What happened?" he asked her.

"I accidentally spilled the tea on your sister, but apparently, Benjamin thinks I did it on purpose and doesn't want to be my friend anymore." Louisa sniffed. "I swear, I didn't do it on purpose. Your sister moved and I didn't pay attention and ended up spilling the tea." She ran over the words.

"Shh, I believe you." Paul gave her a hug and, as he walked away, he left his hands on her shoulders. He knew Jackeline was capable of many things when she wanted something, including hurting herself on purpose.

"Thanks." Louisa said and Paul squeezed her shoulders which made her uncomfortable. "I have to go. With your permission." But before she could turn away from him, Benjamin appeared. He remembered that his mother had asked for Louisa to be evaded to the kitchen, so he was going back upstairs to see if the girl was still there. When he saw Paul with his hands on Louisa, and she had a slight smile on her face, he misinterpreted the situation. He intended to apologize to Louisa as he had accused the girl without any proof, but the scene before his eyes made him forget about it completely.

"Louisa!" He yelled, causing her to jump back, and Paul lazily let go of her shoulders. "Go to the kitchen, now!" He pointed with his finger downstairs.

"We'll talk later." Paul said to Louisa, who just curtsied before starting to walk towards the stairs. She walked past Benjamin without even looking at him.

"What about you? Instead of flirting here with the maids," Benjamin spat out the words, "you should go see your sister, who's hurt!" Benjamin descended the stairs, stomping hard.

Paul frowned. Benjamin had never talked to him in that tone before. However, he needed to go visit his sister, after all, if he didn't, he'd have to listen to their mother talking in his ear for hours and he definitely wasn't in the mood for that. He walked to his sister's room and knocked on it.

Jackeline thought it was Benjamin, so she put on the most pitiful expression on her face.

"You may come in." Judith said, and when the door opened, revealing Paul, Jackeline's face twisted in disappointment, rolling her eyes up. Paul saw it and knew that Jackeline had set up the situation. He knew his sister too well.

"Oh, dear. Your sister got hurt from the tea." Emily said as she ran her hand through Jackeline's blond hair.

"I didn't hurt myself, Mom. It was that girl."

"It was an accident, honey." Emily said, but Jackeline shook her head.

"I wasn't going to say anything, because I hate gossip." Jackeline said and Paul held back a laugh. She looked at her brother disapprovingly. "This girl did it on purpose. Earlier, she was disrespectful to me."

"What do you mean, my dear?" Judith asked, sitting on Jackeline's bed. Jackeline swallowed like it was difficult to speak, looking at the two women there in the room.

"I even told Paul and Benjamin. I asked her to help with a ribbon in my hair and she refused, throwing my ribbon on the floor. The-"

"Wasn't it a brooch?" Paul interrupted her. The three women glared at him. He raised his hands and was quiet.

"Then she said that she was not my maid and would not follow my orders. I was so shaken!"

"Indeed. You even slapped her." Paul added, arms crossed in front of his chest. Jackeline glared at him.

"And it was well deserved! A maid cannot speak to her lords like that. Jackeline is practically family." Judith said, and Emily nodded. The two mothers already considered that Jackeline and Benjamin were engaged.

Jackeline began to cry, with large drops running down her face and onto her dress.

"I'm not a violent person, but I couldn't control myself. Forgive me." She continued to cry, her head down, and she covered her face with her hands.

"Shh, it's okay, my dear. It's very difficult to deal with outrageous servants. But don't worry, I'll fix this situation, all right?" Judith promissed.

"I think she has an interest in Benjamin. But still," Jackeline continued, "she tried to seduce Paul."

"What?" Emily, Judith and Paul asked at the same time.

"This is not true. Louisa didn't do that!" Paul said.

"Jackeline doesn't lie!" Emily interrupted him. "You probably didn't see the malice in this girl, but Jackeline did. I want you to stay away from her, Paul."

"But, mo-"

"It's an order!" Emily spoke up, and from her tone, Paul knew it was useless to argue. But that didn't mean he would follow his mother's orders.

Judith stood up, straightening her dress, a determined look on her face.

"I will resolve this matter. Excuse me." She nodded to the three in the room and stormed out.

Paul shook his head, disapproving of his sister's behavior. Emily got up and went to the window. Jackeline looked at her brother and smiled, raising her eyebrow, as if to say 'I always get what I want'.