Chapter 12

Benjamin didn't know whether to go through the front entrance, where someone would see him in that deplorable state, or through the kitchen, where Louisa was probably being tended to after being hit by a punch. He clenched his fists angrily. Paul was to blame for the whole situation!

He opened the front door and didn't hear any noise. Were they all already at the table? Jackeline would probably eat upstairs, unless a servant carried her downstairs. Benjamin went upstairs and into his room, locking the door. He leaned back there, eyes closed. He was completely lost on what he was supposed to do.

He thought keeping his distance from Louisa would be good, but then he left her alone for a few minutes and another man (aka Paul) tried to take advantage of the situation! But Paul didn't know that Benjamin liked Louisa more than as a friend. 'Why deny it?' Benjamin said to himself. He liked Louisa and that was the truth. He was jealous to see Paul, just as he would have been if it was any other man, enjoying himself next to Louisa, making her smile, caressing her face. 'Kissing her'. He remembered how close Paul was to Louisa and how he was leaning down to, of course, kiss her lips. He felt his blood boil. Even if he had no romantic interest in Louisa, that action was very naughty and disrespectful toward a single young lady.

Letting out a long sigh, Benjamin unglued himself from the door and began to remove his clothes, which were damp from having rolled on the beach gravels. He looked in the mirror and saw an ugly cut on his lips, as well as a bruise that formed on the right side of his face, just below his eyes. Above the brow, an ugly gash, purplish red and bloody. His nose was also swollen and oozing blood. But none of that compared to Louisa's wound, in his opinion. She was a woman, delicate and had been punched by a man, which now he didn't know if it was from himself or from Paul, and that must have hurt a lot. Looking at himself once more, he shook his head. What would he say when he got to the dining room and his and Paul's parents saw them in that state?

Judith was asking one of the servants to get food for Jackeline and Emily. They would both remain on the second floor so as not to strain Jackeline's ankle. When Benjamin appeared, she intended to have him bring the girl dessert himself. The idea was to bring the two closer and closer.

Paul was the first to enter, and when Judith saw his face, she nearly choked on her own saliva.

"Paul? My goodness, what happened to your face?" She exclaimed, catching the attention of Richard and Harry, who were talking business. The two looked up and immediately stood up. Before Paul could say anything, Benjamin appeared right behind him and Judith, who was holding a silverware, inspecting it, let it fall from her hand, looking from one boy to the other, with her mouth open.

"In my office, Benjamin. Now!" Harry said irritably, marching out of the dining room and past Benjamin without even looking at the boy. Benjamin looked down and followed behind his father.

"And you, come with me!" Richard said, going into the living room and opening the door to the house, heading out onto the front porch. Paul followed Benjamin's example and went after his father without a word.

When Benjamin walked into the office and closed the door, Harry was standing behind the big mahogany desk, fists on it, leaning on it, head down, eyes closed.

"Start explaining right now what happened." He ordered in a low tone, and despite not having lived with his father close by, Benjamin knew that when someone was angry, it was better for that person to be yelling than speaking softly like that.

"Paul and I had a little disagreement." Benjamin answered. He was standing by the door, hands behind him and head down.

"Oh, but that's clear. You two are injured by obvious signs of a physical struggle." Harry walked around the table and approached Benjamin. "I want you to listen to me, and listen very well, Benjamin: your marriage to Jackeline Russell is going to take place. So the best thing you can do is try to maintain a good relationship with Paul and his father."

"I don't feel an inclination to marry Jackeline Russell, Father. She is Paul's sister and I respect her, but I feel nothing for her other than brotherly consideration." Benjamin said, looking at his father.

"I don't want to know how you feel about her, boy. Weddings are alliances. Alliances that are necessary for families to maintain themselves in the right place among society." Harry said, pacing back and forth, hands behind his back. He stopped and turned to Benjamin, not moving. "Who is she?"

Benjamin's eyes widened, not expecting his father to deduce that the fight between him and Paul was caused by a woman.

"What do you mean, father?" Benjamin asked, trying to pretend not to understand.

"Don't make a fool of yourself. Or rather, don't try to make a fool of me! You and Paul have been friends for years, and in my experience, two things make friends fight like this: money or a woman. Since neither of you have financial problems, I only see the second option as viable. Who is she, Benjamin?"

"No need to worry, father. It's nothing romantic. I just didn't like that Paul was being disrespectful to a girl and we fought over it." Benjamin replied seriously. Harry narrowed his eyes at his son suspiciously.

"Are you sure?" he asked and Benjamin nodded in agreement. "Right. But still, there's the matter of your marriage to Jackeline. And I don't want to hear any objections on this matter. You are getting married and that is a fact."

"Can I at least ask that for it to be after college is over?" Benjamin asked and Harry, who was already on his way to the door to leave, stopped and answered without turning to his son.

"Maybe. I'll talk to Richard first. Now, let's go to the table for lunch. Your mother must be furious." With that, Harry left he office and Benjamin there, alone. Benjamin took a deep breath, let it out, and ran a hand through his hair, before leaving the office and heading to the dining room table.

When Benjamin was on his way to the dining room, Paul and Richard were already sitting at it. Paul had an anguished expression on his face. Benjamin looked at his friend (or maybe ex-friend) and sat down. They both stared at each other for long minutes, not saying a word, as the food was served.