Chapter 44


"Outside. You and I are going to talk, Michael." She said and he took one last look at Louisa, who was staring at the floor, before leaving. "And you, Louisa..."

"Sorry, aunt. We had arranged to see each other, when we were walking in the garden, still. Before uncle forbade us. I promised I would allow Michael to kiss my cheek. We..."

"Are you engaged?" She asked. "I mean, not officially. Is there some kind of promise between you?"


'As I suspected,' Emmeline thought.

"Louisa, do you have any idea what could have happened if I didn't get here?" Louisa shook her head. "Okay, come here."

Emmeline carried her to the bed and the two of them sat there.

"Louisa, when a man and a woman love each other, they feel like being together. More together than just holding hands, more together than a simple hug. I believe you've already felt that urge to... more."

"Yes... just now I... I don't even know."