Chapter 46

Louisa was heartbroken at the way Benjamin had teamed up with those two snakes to speak ill of her. 'Apparently he never knew me and always held me in such low esteem!'

She shook her head to get rid of those bad thoughts. She had Michael. The sweet, loyal, smart, responsible and charming Michael. Louisa blushed as she remembered the kiss they'd shared, the way he'd placed his hands on her face, on her neck. Louisa had her eyes closed and, without realizing it, she was touching her own skin, as if it were Michael doing it.

A knock on the door woke her up.

" can come in." She said, straightening up. She had been lying on the bed and now she was sitting up.

Michael was the one who entered, looking down the hall before closing the door. It was still around three in the afternoon.

"Why are you here?" she asked, surprised and a little scared. What if they caught them?

"I had to see you. See how it was." He spoke softly.