Chapter 58

Christmas has finally arrived again.  This time, Benjamin would not miss the opportunity to go to London.  He wanted to see Louisa, even if from afar.  His parents would still be at the Russell house until the holiday festivities were over.

"Are you sure about that, Ben?"  Anthony asked.

"Absolutely! I want her. If she gives me the opportunity to talk to her, I'll do anything to get her to accept me again."  Benjamin replied, finishing his bags.

"I wish you good luck then."  Anthony spoke.  He didn't think that was a good idea.  Especially since the fiancé of the girl in question was a Marquess, next in line to be the Duke of Windsor.  What Benjamin wanted to do could be seen as a great offense.

Benjamin knew the risk he was taking.  But this time he would not falter.  He had to go to Louisa, talk to her.  As long as she hadn't married Michael Crawford, there was still hope.
