Chapter 71

Benjamin was alone with his father inside the office. Judith left the office to her room, crying.

"We need to find a new bride for you." Harry said, looking out of the window.

"I don't want to marry. Isn't there another way? Isn't there anyone you can ask for money?"

"No. Not if I want to keep a bit of dignity. If I ask for it from your uncle, he will spread the news. I'd be ruined anyway.

"But Iontach would be safe."

"At what cost?" Harry asked, sitting on his chair, exasperated.

"At what cost?" Benjamin asked. "People will know soon about it and we will be ruined. But, of course, it is easier to sacrifice me instead of you, right? Make me marry someone I don't like just so you won't be humiliated. When, in fact, you were the one gambling around!"

Harry's eyes were throwing daggers at Benjamin.

"What did you just said?"

"I heard rumors that you have been gambling." Benjamin said. Harry swallowed a bit harder and Benjamin knew, then, it was true.