Chapter 74

They left the Rowe's residence. Harry was satisfied, for he saw how Benjamin and the girl seemed to have liked each other. At least, they were civil to each other.

"What do you think of her?" He asked his son.

"She is okay. Polite. Not as shallow as others may think."

"Oh, is she the one?" Harry asked. He just wanted to solve the matter. Of course, his best candidate and favorite was Abigail Hyatt. She was the one with the largest fortune.

"Let's see the others, huh?" Benjamin said. While they were riding to the next girl's house, Benjamin thought that he didn't love Phoebe, she was not his 'type', but, yet, she seemed to be a sensible girl and it was important to him. If he had to marry one of those four, maybe she was someone he could accept.

"Marjorie is our next visit." Harry said. Benjamin only nodded. Did he have a choice?