Chapter 90

It wasn't that difficult to get her inside the walls of Oxford, after all. She was using a cape and nobody could see her face. As much as it was a rule: 'no girls inside the rooms!', a great number of boys didn't take that seriously. So, when they saw Benjamin with someone hiding behind a cape, they knew very well it was a woman. The surprise was that Benjamin was doing such a thing.

He knocked on Anthony's door and when he heard a weak 'come in', he turned the knob and peeked inside.

"Hey, Ben!" Anthony said, smiling at his friend.

"May I come in?" Benjamin asked. He did look first to see if Anthony was not only alone, but decently dressed. Since both the requirements were checked, Benjamin opened the door and stepped aside, giving space to Dorothea to get in.

The moment she entered, Anthony frowned. And then, she revealed her face, and his eyes widened.

"I'll give you both privacy." Benjamin said and closed the door.