Chapter 93

Dr. Bedwick became a more present figure for the next month, during breakfast. Emmeline would wake up and make all the preparations for her visitor. Everyone in the house knew he was visiting Emmeline, as much as he never said with all words.

"I'm very happy for her, you know?" Louisa said, one day, while she and Michael were having tea at the garden. Emmeline was inside the house, preparing biscuits.

"Me too." Michael sighed. "It is just weird, for me. She is my mother and this man is… he is a great man, for all I can see, but even so…"

Louisa rubbed his hand.

"I understand you. I believe I'd feel the same if she was my mother. She is my aunt and yet, I share a bit of your feelings in this situation."

"I know that what matters is that she is getting to her feet, once more. Being dragged away from that terrible insanity that was consuming her mind. I'm grateful. I really am. And he is a doctor. Who better to help treat her?"