Chapter 99

"A widow?" Anthony asked.

"Yes! It means she is not one of those little girls eager to find a husband. She already has a house, she is not poor for what I could see, she seems to be a simple woman. That is wonderful! She will accept us easily."

"Father, I…"

"Please, Anthony. Give it a chance. Why don't you go and visit the farm yourself? Her estate is beautiful. It is good land."

"I'll think about it, ok?" Anthony said and that was already enough to make his father smile. Devon knew that when Anthony would say 'no' right away, it was really a 'no'. A 'maybe' was all he needed to work on the convincing part and have his son visit that adorable woman.

Four days later, Anthony agreed to visit the woman and had it sent notice to her. He was already in the carriage, on his way to her farm.