Chapter 107

Two weeks went by and Michael had not proof, yet, about Rochester's fraud. He knew deep inside his heart that it was a ie. But why the hell couldn't he find the truth at once? Benjamin seemed to be getting better, responding to things, but not himself at all.

"I hope you get it fixed soon. I know Benjamin is thankful, but yet, he is miserable. Not only did he lose his wife and child, but also his home. He said he cannot stay here for much longer."

Louisa sat near her husband, who was on the sofa, drinking. Mihcael rarely drank, but this night, he couldn't stop himself and pour a nice glass of brandy.

"I am so crossed with all this, Louisa. Rochester is playing me, I'm sure of it!" He said with a hiss.

"Yeah, but no proof at all." She said, trying to calm down Michael. "Don't overwork yourself, Mike. Things will get better. I'm sure they will. We just need to have patience."