Chapter 115

In the end, whatever Benjamin said, was not heard, or so it seemed. He was now sitting on the floor, inside a cell. He had to trust Michael would get better and could say what really happened. Untl there, Benjamin was going to be treated as if he had, indeed, planned Michael death.

'Please, don't die!'He kept praying for this. If Michael died, he was done for. He had to talk to Louisa. Nobody told him anything about her. Was she ok?

Meanwhile, Louisa was in the inn with Michael, and he was not waking up. The doctor said she could take him to the castle. Definitely he would be better treated there. He just had to fix his bones a little bit more and he would be ready to leave the inn.

Rochester would not leave her side. He was acting, outside the room, as if he and Louisa were closer. His plan was exactly that: make people believe he and she were a coupla, in some way. To some, they were friends and Rochester was just offering a hand to take care of her husband.