Chapter 123

"Oh, my, what happened?" Emmeline asked when she saw Constable Northworton carrying Mindy in his arms.

"She fell and I believe she has twisted her ankles." he answered the lady in front of him, while entering the castle.

"Oh, poor Mindy! Come, put her on the sofa!" Emmeline motioned for Dimitri to follow her, and so he did, putting Mindy gently on the sofa pointed by Emmeline.

"I was lucky enough that Constable Northworton was just passing by." Mindy finally said something, looking down and blushing. Emmeline noticed that both of them looked shy near one another. It was quite funny how a man as big as Constable Northworton could look so small when he was acting like that.

"True. It was all luck." Emmeline answered and looked at the officer.

"Actually, I was coming here. And the lucky part was that I had the same idea as Miss Mindy, here: take a shortcut."

"Hmm. That was destiny. Well, and why were you coming here, Constable?"