Chapter 145

"Is the prisoner already here?" Dimitri asked when he arrived at the squad.

"Yes, sir. He is downstairs. And he seems to be not in a good shape."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He seems… ill." The officer said and Dimitri frowned, going to where Simon Rochester was being held.

The man was not in a cell, like before. He was in the room they used to question, but he had his head down, on the table, when Rochester arrived.

"Mr. Rochester?" Simon asked, frowning again. He was not liking the way Simon looked. And he had not seen the man's face yet.

"Hmm." Simon mumbled, but didn't look up. Dimitri knew it was not right to go and touch the prisoner, especially if there was a chance the prisoner was faking ill to try to force an escape. But Dimitri was in a very good state and one of his hands was on his gun.

The Constable approached the man and when he touched Simon's arm, even through the shirt, he could tell that the man had a fever.