"That is all, sir." The cashier had a fake smile on her face as she handed a hooded youth a bag full of groceries and energy drinks.
The youth exited the small shop beside the gas station that has open 24/7 and lets the cool breeze of the outside wash over him, his worries disappeared for a moment.
Nevertheless, this small bit of happiness ended just like it came, fast, toxic fumes from cars enter the youth's nose making him buckle over for a second.
The youth decided to depart and entered his car driving off to another part of the city.
The youth from before stood in front of a normal-looking door in an apartment complex, his hood still up and a red scarf tightly fitted onto his face.
The youth pulled out a futuristic-looking key and inserted it into the, from the outside normal looking, keyhole.
It beeped and a green lamp began glowing from behind the door, mechanical clanking could be heard and the door opened itself.
The youth entered taking no heed to the thick metal door that looks completely normal from an outside perspective.
The youth navigated through the labyrinth of computers, wires, and massive coolers inside the apartment, he didn't mind their collective humming that drills itself into his ears.
The youth entered the main room of the apartment and got greeted by the usual sight, a single desk with an actual screen on it, two large beds, and his roommate sitting atop one.
"You're back? What took you so long Jack, I've been waiting for two whole hours, I'm about to starve!"
Jack throws a bag of low-fat chips over to his roommate, the latter shutting up immediatly to feast upon the salty potato chips.
"Now shut your trap."
Jack opens a can of energy dring and downs the whole thing in one try, visibly annoyed.
"Hehe, you're still angry because I destroyed one of your computers aren't ya?"
Jack looks at his roommate, he had beaming red hair that flowed down to his shoulders, his iris was black and if he stood up he would be about 6'2 ft tall. He had muscles all over his body, all of them were small but contained immense power inside of them.
Couple that with his face and he would tower even above greek gods and the like, he would be a 10/10, a perfect human being, in beauty and strength alike.
He would never admit it but he envies his roommate and would do everything to look that good, or at least approach his level of beauty.
"The problem wasn't that you trashed a computer, we have hundreds of them, it's the fact that you didn't tell me afterward so I wasn't able to rewire that part of the network. For god's sake, we paid for 70 computers that didn't work, Austin!"
"Relax Jack we won't have any money problems due to me anyways, now and in the future."
"Sure, until you meet a field agent that successfully captures you and afterward me. I certainly don't want to become a class-d that gets eaten by a f*cking lizard for 'science' and the 'greater good'!"
"Ok ok, I understand just relax Jack. You would probably only memory wiped anyways nothing more drastic"
Jack popped another can and took a sip, he slid down his chair adjacent to the desk "Have you done anything productive today at least Austin?"
"Well I couldn't go outside, my chances of getting captured were about 60% as long as I stay in a one-mile radius of our apartment, every mile further away would increase that chance by about 10%. Buuuut I trained my abilities and I feel like I'm right in front of a threshold. I can feel it! It's like every time I calculate certain actions and their chances of success I get faster and more accurate results."
"Maybe you're really a reality bender and not just some random anomaly then, I mean as far as I know only them can really evolve their abilities?"
"No that can't be, my ability tells me that there's a measly 0.19999% chance of me being a reality bender. I should probably add that the chance of me being a little mister is even higher and I certainly am not factory-made if I remember correctly."
"Well, whatever floats your boat, Austin." Jack turned to the screen on his desk, he pushed some keys on his keyboard as a comfortable silence enveloped the room accompanied by the sound of Austin munching on chips and Jack opening energy drink after energy drink while tapping on his keyboard.
Jack's jaw dropped and he stopped all movement, Austin was worried for a moment. "I- I've done it. I've truly done it... HAHAHHAHAH I'M A GOD!"
Jack slammed his fists onto his desk with a loud thump.
"You seriously have anger issues don't ya?" Austin said absentmindedly.
"F*CK YOU! I'M A GOD" Jack pointed at Austin who lay on his own bed not moving an inch at Jack's outburst.
"Calm the hell down and tell me what you did first before throwing stuff like that in the room."
"You remember the time when we were still normal college students that didn't need to hide from an elusive shadow government that ruled the world because one of us was clearly an anomaly?" Austin rolled his eyes, Jack could be really weird sometimes and rant about the most random stuff imaginable, he already experienced that story firsthand.
"You came to me for help, you wanted me to search the internet with my abilities as a hacker, at that point in time I thought I was the best hacker on the planet but boy was I wrong.
Without my experience and your ability to predict probabilities, the foundation would have found us in mere seconds!
We barely hacked into the servers of the poor excuse of a secretive organization that is the UIU (Unusual Incidents Unit= American SCP foundation only way way worse in what they do) and managed to uncover the truth of this world." Jack climbed atop his chair and held his hand high.
"We cut off all connections with our former lives and went into hiding, pecking slowly at servers from the various secret organizations ruling the world from behind the curtain of normality."
Jack turned off all the lights in the apartment with a small remote, Austin just sighed with annoyance munching on his chips more aggressively.
"And now seven months later, the former MIT student, Jackson Dark, a once-in-a-century prodigy in computer science that died on the day 'I' was born, has reclaimed his rightful throne as the best hacker in the entire world!"
Jack's loud breaths could be heard throughout the silent room, he put his whole being into that speech and was never that healthy, to begin with so that much exhausted him already.
"And what did you actually do." The ignorant fool that is Jack's roommate asked, oh how small he was even the supernatural stood no chance in front of Jack's pride... *ahem* massive intellect.
"Just something small... I hacked into the SCP foundations main server."