Chapter 12: Dan Vs.

It has been two days and the tournament has begun. Starting at 9:30 a.m., it started with an Announcer speaking and going over the rules.

[announcer] Hello ladies and gentlemen, to the Pokemon Con tournament, I'm your host Boom Dox. So let's get this over with for the rules of the tournament. We are going with Gamex Rules, where we use the turn base style and only have the Pokemon use a max four moves. There is a level cap so any pokemon above level 75 will not be able to play in the tournament. No cheating allowed, that includes if not limited to potions, held items, boosters, poffins and berries.For the first round it is going to be a 1v1 battle. Are the contestants ready? If so let the battles begin.

Ash vs. Lily; Zander vs. Ali; Zeek vs. Alex; Dan vs. Sam; Jimmy vs. Maggie; Frankie vs. Dani; Amilia vs. Fredson; and Catherine vs. Frank.

*Dan vs. Sam

[Battle 1: ]

[Dan] Come on out, Machamp (Del).

[Sam] May the best win, Graveler (Jev).

Sam wants to battle, Sam sends out Jev! Go Del, Del used body slam, it's not very effective. Enemy Jev made a substitute. Del dynamic punch, but it missed. Enemy Jev used a substitute, but it failed. Del used a jump kick, enemy Jev's substitute failed, it's super effective. Enemy Jev may be a substitute. Del used a dynamic punch but it missed! Enemy Jev used crunch, but it's not very effective. Del used a jump kick and enemy Jev's substitute faded, it's super effective. Enemy Jev used charm, Del's attack sharply fell, Del used dynamic punch, it's super effective. Jev fainted, Sam was defeated.

[Sam] *Tch* This may be my loss, but you better not be defeated by others.

Ash vs. Lily

[Battle 2: ]

[Ash] I choose you; Pikachu.

[Lily] Let's come out and play, Flaaffy (Dia)

Lily wants to battle, Lily sends out Dia! Ash sent out Pikachu, Pikachu used thunderbolt, it was a critical hit, it's not very effective. Dia used an encore, Pikachu got an encore! Pikachu used thunderbolt, it's not very effective. Dia used tackle. Pikachu used thunderbolt, it was a critical hit, it's not very effective. Dia fainted, Lily was defeated.

[Lily] May mother nature be with you.

Jimmy vs. Maggie [Battle 3]

[Jimmy] Let's Battle Alakazam.

[Maggie] Come out Alolan Marowak.

[Announcer] Contastate Jimmy is automatically out and disqualified for the focus sash on its waistline. Come on, people check before you throw. That makes Maggie the winner by default.

[Jimmy] Oh come on you got to be kidding.

Ali vs. Zander

[Battle 4: ]

[Ali] Come to battle Charmander (Shy)

[Zander] Let's go Wartortle

Zander wants to battle, so Zander sends out Wartortle. Ali sent out a shy, shy, used member. It's not very effective. We're totally used to rain. A downpour started, and it continued to fall. Shy used a fire blast, it's not very effective. What totally used ice beam, rain continues to fall. Should I use a quick attack? Wartortle used surf, it's super effective. Shy flew high. Water turtle used ice cream the attack missed , rain continues to fall. Shy used to fly , a downpour started, rain continued to fall. Shy used a quick attack. Wartortle used the rain dance when a downpour started. Shy used ember it's not very effective. Wartortle used an ice beam, should I faint, Ali was defeated.

[Ali] oh it was bound to happen.

Catherine vs. Frank [Battle 5]

[Catherine] Eevee, let's find a good fight.

[Frank] Pichu, I choose you.


Zeek vs. Alex [Battle 6]

[Zeek] Let the shadow flow, Gengar.

[Alex] Let's get this punk, Growlithe.


[Alex] Don't worry this won't happen again.

Frankie vs. Dani [Battle 7]

[Frankie] zesty am I right? Blaziken

[Dani] … you know what, no, no, no Sylveon let's get out of here I cannot fight him I forfeit.

[Announcer] what just… Did commentator Frankie just freak out a contestant into forfeiting the match. Okay Frankie we will count this as a win but if you do that again we will be giving out penalties.

[Dani] I despise disgusting people.

Amila vs. Fredson [Battle 8]

[Amila] Let's Strategize,

[Fredson] Let's go gang, Leavanny (Shaggy)


[Fredson] Oh Geez gang, better luck next time.

[Announcer] Ok for team Lost on round one we have; Sam with the level 70 Graveler named Jev with the moveset substitute, crunch, Rock smash, tackle; Lily with the level 54 Flaaffy named Dia with the moveset tackle, encore, confuse ray, thunder; Ali with the level 62 Charizard named Shy with the moveset quick attack, fire blast, fly, ember; Alex with the level 37 Growlithe with the moveset , tackle, flamethrower, ember; Frank with the level 15 Pichu named Barry with the moveset tackle, growl ... -Static-

*Camera fell down and it's all black. You can hear explosion in the distance.*

[?????] Prepare for Trouble,

[?????] Make it Double,

[?????] Prepare for trouble from the skies!

[?????] From beyond the stars, a nasty surprise !

[?????] An as old as the galaxy…

[?????] sent here to fulfill our destiny !

[??????] plus there's me !

[?????] To denounce the evils of truth and love !

[?????] To extend our reach to the stars above !

[?????] : Jessie !

[?????] : And James !

[??????] : And Meowth are the names !

[Jessie] Anywhere there's peace in the universe…

[James] Team Rocket …

[Meowth] Will be there …

[All] To make it worse !

[?????????] : Wobbuffet !