332 He is not

"Silence— How dare you display such disrespect!"

Listening to Red Moon's reply, Saint Chaoyang was furious to the breaking point. Her body began to swell, and a terrifying force blanketed the entire sky.

In her heart, the Master was the Emperor of all the Monster Race, loyal to him alone.

She was willing to sacrifice everything to bring the Emperor back to life.

To her, saying such words as a member of the Monster Race was Red Moon acting in great defiance, something she could not tolerate.

Beneath Saint Chaoyang's terrifying power, the figure formed from the red mist did not show any signs of panic and calmly said, "Sister Wutong, times have changed. This world can no longer tolerate Existences of Immortal Rank. Even the strongest Celestial Being can only maintain existence within the Spiritual Transformation Realm."

"However, this is, for you and me, the best of times."

"We are the true kings of the Monster Race, free and self-reliant. No one threatens our lives."