Sudden Death

Freedom Alliance's sea area.

Ouyang Guanhe looked at the information from the Judgement Organization in his hand. His brows relaxed and then furrowed.

This piece of information was too heart-wrenching.

“.. Undercurrents are surging in the City of Light. The four forces, the Hundred Cities Federation, the Beast Alliance, the Mercenary Guild, and the Bernadotte Empire, have gathered together. The position of the City Lord is empty…"

Ouyang Guanhe was very happy. This was the most comprehensive information the humans of Planet Azure had ever gotten about the occupied area of the Southern Road.

Before this, they only vaguely knew that the otherworldly people were not united. As for how many factions were divided and what they were called, there was really no conclusion.

However, this information was clearly written in the report of the Judgement Division. At the same time, it also brought great pressure to Ouyang Guanhe.