Mobilizing Before the Battle

When Deercry and Wu Mei returned to the team dormitory, their worried hearts finally settled.

This time, he had taken the risk to steal the mutated beast's corpse. He had finally been safe.

After all, the exotic beast's corpse was so big that it would be too conspicuous to steal it.

Fortunately, with the services provided by the Judgement Organization, the two of them were like rats in a rice jar, happily exchanging a portion of the mutated beast corpses for points from the Judgement Organization.

Not only did he clear Wu Mei's loan, but he also made a lot of money.

Moreover, the two of them were not greedy people. They exchanged an A-grade healing fruit for Wu Mei and a few C-grade healing fruits before choosing to stop.

"Fortunately, the two of us were not greedy. My friend said that a few minutes after we left, the officer in charge came to patrol and scared him half to death!”