Profound Truths of Earth

Venerable Lei Ming's face was full of disappointment. He did not expect that there were so many schemes behind this war.

" I thought that I would be able to escape the fate of being a chess piece after I entered Tier 4," he said." I didn't expect that in their eyes, I was still a small character that they could give up on at will!”

The haggard man stared at the Arbitrator and said,""Director, does Norton know about your conspiracy?”

The arbitrator looked at Venerable Lei Ming sympathetically but did not answer his question directly." Does he know what's the point now?”

Iron Tower General looked at Zhao Jinyin with an aggressive gaze and said to the Arbitrator,""Why are you still talking so much to this trash? If he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't have fallen to this state.”

The competition between the four major powers in New Frye had already reached its climax.