
So, I have to save the world? Every time I die I can try again?

I can do this, not for me but for those who need to be saved.

No matter what pain I'll feel, I must go on. Because a million lives are worth a million of mine.

I take in my lush surroundings and take a deep breath.

My story starts-my lungs are pierced with a blade.

The pain is indescribable. A burning that goes beyond the word burn. It tears my flesh and steals my breath from me.

So this is what it feels like to die… The blade is ripped out of my lungs, causing blood to spill out of me.

I gasp for air, but instead, I inhale my own blood.

I die with tears in my eyes, I can't go through this again.

An arrow pierces my heart, sending me into a violent convulsion.

I've died once again, and once more an unbearable pain drives me mad.

Both of my arms are severed, and I watch as my blood empties from my body like I'm already a carcass.

It's as if it's not just blood but my soul that's spilling onto the concrete.

All I can do is watch as it happens and feel drained of hope and purpose.

The pain drags on for minutes, I've died again. A fire, again. A brick, again. a poison, again! No more. Only peace.

For once, I wish I could have... a permanent death.

This time, as soon as I'm sent back into this cursed world. My purpose to save millions, I give up.

I walk straight to the nearest lake and drown myself in it.

A pain I've felt countless times. A pain I can't bear to feel anymore.

"I'm done now. I can't save the world. I can't even save myself."

The voice inside of my head speaks to me.

The one that makes me go back in time in the first place.

That forces me to experience death time and time again.

"Are you sure you want to end it? If you do, someone else will just have to try and save everyone. But they will do so without the knowledge or experience you have. Are you willing to empty your burden onto someone else and live a normal life in return?"

"Yes, I beg of you. I can't take it anymore. I can't be concerned about other people when I feel this way."

I breathe in the water, dying once more.

Suffocating as the water weighs down my lungs and takes the fight from my soul.

I can only pity the poor soul who next will be given the curse of saving the world.