Time To Play

"The walls will be built here, cutting off the river points at the North-East, West, and South-West regions. We will build barred gates at the water points to stop intruders from entering the settlement.

The barred gates will be made from thick wood and joined with vines in a cross-like manner.

Again, one should know that since the barred gates were part of the wall, they would also have the special features the walls have. 

To destroy them would be near impossible for ordinary mortals. Only Sky Hailers above certain levels would be able to destroy them in one swoop. 

Anyway, the gates would only open for those recognized as inhabitants of Black Wolf Settlement. 

These gates are similar to pulley-drawing gates where one would have to reel the gates like one feeling a fish when using a fishing hook. 

The workers have the choice of choosing between manual or automatic openings.