The Darkness Approaching

Wolfram was no Fox talking expert, but seeing the Fox's eyes continuously falling into the Stable building, Wolfram knew there was something about the stables that called to Tamable beasts. 

No joke, they recently acquired more horses not too long ago. 

A strange thing happens when these Horses spotted the stable, they began running like crazy towards it, sensing its uniqueness. 

'My precious~' 

Their instincts told them that only by going into the stables could they get all their true desires. 

Understand that all creatures in this world, even ordinary ones, have a hail to be strong. 

For animals, their goals were far clearer and simpler. 

Although these ordinary horses didn't break their mortal shells here, they could sense that only the stables could make their desires a reality. 

At least that's what their instincts screamed out from the depths of their hearts.
