Several layers and levels deep within the Forest of Ashes, was a place where sunlight dared not tread. 

The shadows whispered secrets to the trees, and the grounds were blanketed in millenniums-old moss, bushes, and gnarled roots. 

There mist and fog as thick as paper, as far out as the eyes could see. 

You couldn't see a single bird in this area. 

However, there were peculiar bird croaks echoing from time to time in the silence that followed. 

Do birds even crack? 

Well, these ones do. However, they weren't the only habitats in this terrifying forest. 

Several low, guttural groans and roars emanated from beneath and all around. 

But somewhere beneath the cursed soul, lay the Lich, an evil entity of unspeakable power. 

The skeletal body that wore tattered robes, suddenly opened his mouth and released his first word—more like his first release of air. 
