Calm before the storm

As the ship continued to travel through the hyperspace, my mind was on a person that I lost. She was the last person I had before my life took a horrible turn, she was only 5 when she died, and I couldn't forgive myself on not seeing her.

It was ten years ago when our parents passed away. I was 16 at the time and I was told to bring my sister home. As we both made our way back to the house, a man in a black suit told me he was a lawyer to our parents. After a few minutes of discussion, he told me that our parents left us enough money for me to go to a good university. It made me sad that our parents died. As he left, he said one more thing. "Take care of your sister and cherish her well." That night I wept until the next morning.

I then promised myself to do the best for my sister. Couple of years later I discovered that my sister had a tumor, and it was to severe to get treatment. I wept and wept for hours knowing I will be alone. A few days later I found Mimi cheated on me and she made my life hell.

I shook my head and tried to forget the past.

I decided to go to the combat room and train. As I made my way to the room, I had my hands in my pocket and was distracted. Soon I bumped into some one and staggered back a bit.

I looked up and saw Petra in front of me, her face showing worry and is trying to say something. "F-fritz I-I-I know you are busy but I can't help but notice on why you acted that way. I'm scared that you'll do that to me, and *sniff* I-I don't want you to yell at me. *Whaaaaaaa"

As I see her crying, I wrap my arms around her and sat down on the floor. Stroking her head so that she can calm down, it makes me feel guilty seeing her like this because she reminds me of my sister. I then lifted her face and I mustered the gentlest voice I can produce.

"I'm sorry that you had to see me like that, that women made my life difficult before coming here. So please forgive me?" She then nodded and smiled but then her eyes turned cold, but she still kept the smile. Just seeing her like this made me shiver.

"This women hurt my little Fritz? Don't worry Fritz I'll make her suffer for hurting you." Her breath then starts to quicken and her eyes then contained heart shapes, she then starts to grind against my crotch and she begins to moan lightly.

I then chopped her head and she returned to normal. But what happened after gave me a headache. She returned to her child like attitude and started to cry again. I then picked her up and took her to the combat room. As I made my way to the room Petra had her arms wrapped around my neck and her face on my chest, I had to admit I was happy to carry her like a bride.

As we entered the room Laura was standing in the middle of the room with a staff in her hand, and she was looking jealous. I just laughed inside and was glad to know that Laura cares for me and is interested in me. But her advances are quite bold so I just pretend to not notice them.

"So you let her touch you but not me?" She then makes her way to me and tries to attack me with the staff. I closed my eyes and was prepared to take the hit, but it never came, instead I felt something soft touch my face then something touched my lips. I open my eyes and I see Laura in front of me licking her lips.

"This is for not carrying me." I stand there in a daze, at the same time Petra is floating next to me giggling.

"Ha ha ha Fritz is so confused." I wake up from my shock and smile.

"Since you want to be noticed..." I grab a staff and twirl it above my head, and prepared a stance.

"Lets train." Lauras face goes from a Jealous to a entertained and she does the same. I rush towards her razing the staff and bringing it down on her, she blocks it and tries to swing her leg at my abdomen. I jump back and thrust the staff towards her hand. She then spines to the side and uses the momentum in the spin to hit me with her staff.

I then use my staff to direct her staff in a different direction and this cases her to be surprised, I then rush in to deliver the final blow but then I feel myself lift into the air and landed on my back. I then sit up and felt a stinging sensation on my back and then felt Lauras staff at my throat.

I lift my hands in surrender, and I lay down sighing in defeat. I then feel someone on top of me and I see Petra near my face. She smiles and starts to caress my hair. I smile in return knowing that I just lost and enjoyed this moment. Then I felt something hit me in the head and I sit up holding my head.

I turn around and see Laura pouting and has the staff raised to hit me again, as the staff was about to hit me, a barrier appeared out of nowhere. I turned around and saw Petra and her arm was raised.

"Don't. Hit. fritz." Petras eyes contained hatred and she was smiling again. I quickly got up and hugged her and stroked her head, after a few minutes she went back to normal.

"Petra thank you for doing that but I need to train okay?" She then sulked and went to the side and hugged her knees. 'Great now I need to cheer her up later.' I then focused on Laura and got into a stance.

"Let's go again Laura." She smiles and did the same.

"Alright lets go."