


Step, step.

Step, step.

Step, step, step.

Step, step, step.

Furuya turned around, evidently frustrated. "Why do you keep on following me?"

Miyuki folded his arms across his chest, shifting his weight onto his left leg. "Because you won't tell me what's wrong with you."

"Why do you care so much?"

"I saw you throw up this morning. Are you sick?"

Furuya restrained himself from showing any type of emotion that would give him away. "So what if I'm sick? What are you going to do about it? It's none of your business."

Miyuki stepped closer to him. "First of all, it is my business because I'm supposed to be responsible for you. I'm just doing my job. If you are sick, believe me when I tell you I won't hesitate to let Coach know. He won't allow you to play if you're unable to. Understand?"

Furuya was at a loss. He couldn't tell Miyuki about his pregnancy. Responsible or not, it was none of his concern. He was barely accepting the truth himself.

"Yeah, stand there and ignore me," Miyuki remarked as he walked away. "I'm not mad at you. I just want you to talk to me."

The pitcher stared after him, the words that he wished he could've said dangling off the tip of his tongue.

'Why is this so hard?'


Nurse Akagi whirled around in her chair as the door to her office opened. "Ah, Furuya-kun! Right on time. There's a lot I want to talk to you about."

Furuya nodded as he sat down. "What's the news?"

"When you came here last time, I felt like I knew you from somewhere. You're on the baseball team, right? The one they call 'monster rookie'?"

The first-year rubbed the back of his neck in awe. "I'm glad that I've been noticed."

Nurse Akagi fiddled with her fingers uncomfortably. "I'm afraid that baseball's going to have to be put on hold for now."

"What? Why?"

"Being active is good and all, but an overload of strenuous activity is unsafe for the baby. I've seen the type of practice you guys do. It's dangerous."

Furuya hung his head, a curtain of disappointment falling over him. "No. I can't give up baseball. It's the only thing I've ever had a passion for. It's the only thing that's given me purpose. I don't think I'm ready."

Nurse Akagi exhaled sharply as she crossed her legs. "If that's the case…would you consider having an abortion?"

"Is that when the baby is surgically removed? I've been doing some research."


Furuya sat in silence as he ruminated on how he could go back to a normal life if he went through with the abortion. He wouldn't have Miyuki heckling him all day and he could eat regularly again.

Suddenly, Haruichi's words echoed in his mind.

"My mom is a strong person. She can do it. Why'd you ask?"

'Can I be a strong person? Can I do it?' Picking his head up, Furuya looked at Nurse Akagi. "I don't think it'll be fair to have the procedure yet. Besides, I still didn't answer your question of how I got pregnant in the first place. I'll let you know when I find out."

Nurse Akagi beamed. "That's a good way to go about it. Don't take too much time, though. After a certain amount of time, an abortion can no longer be possible. Now then, let's take your vitals. How've you been feeling?"



10:36 PM

"You're WHAT now?!" Kuramochi shouted. "You're having sex with Miyuki?!"

Eijun nodded proudly as he laid down on his bed. "Yep! I've never been so happy in my life! It feels great! Amazing! Splendid! Absolutely superb—"

"I get the fucking idea!" The shortstop slid a disk into his console and waited for the game to load. "No need to be so extra about it! Are you guys being safe, at least?"

Eijun pouted as he swung his legs back and forth. "Of course. We're using protection and Kazuya is super careful, so we'll be fine. Why are you so uptight? Are you mad that Harucchi's brother—"

Kuramochi's eyes glinted murderously. "Don't you even dare, Bakamura! I'll kill you!"


Kuramochi ran a hand through his hair. "I'm just having a fit 'cause I don't want any mistakes to happen, ya know? Sex can have some dire consequences." 'Especially if that idiot's involved. The hell are you doing now, Miyuki?'


The Next Day - 7:00 AM - Breakfast

'Akagi-sensei said that my symptoms are more severe than they should be,' Furuya thought as he steadily ate his food, 'and that I must be a handful of weeks along. Probably eight. So, something must've happened two months ago. But what?'

Miyuki chuckled at him. "What are you doing with those chopsticks? I never knew air tasted that good."

Furuya froze as he realized that he was picking from his empty bowl of rice. "I finished it already? I'm still hungry."

Out of nowhere, Kanemaru Shinji handed him two more bowls of rice. "Yesss," he taunted. "Eat lots so I can report back to the upperclassmen."

"Thanks," the raven-haired teen mumbled as he began to graze through the rice.

"Better not throw any of that up," Miyuki whispered in his ear. "I still got my eyes on you."

"Mind your business."

"Ah, so cold." Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Miyuki looked up and saw Kuramochi glaring at him. "What?"

Kuramochi rolled his eyes and bit down on his fish.

"Nothing. I'll talk to you during practice."


"You're having sex with Sawamura now?" Kuramochi questioned.

"Damn," Miyuki laughed. "He sure has a big mouth. Wait, that sounded oddly sexual. I didn't mean it that way."

The duo was standing outside the practice field, their backs against the gate, holding energy drinks. Today's morning workout, according to Tetsu, was going to be brutal.

Kuramochi squinted as a harsh breeze passed by, causing stray leaves to float in the air. "Does it look like I'm joking? Why are you having sex with a freshman of all people?"

Miyuki shrugged, a smirk dancing on his lips. "For the record, he's only one year younger than us."


"Come on, it's not like I picked him because of that. Eijun's my boyfriend and I love him."

"Love, my ass."

"That sounded oddly sexual."

"Can you stop that?!" Kuramochi turned towards him. "Sawamura's really innocent and you know we're good friends. Don't hurt him, alright? I don't wanna deal with his whining."

Miyuki made two finger guns and winked. "No problem. Let's head to practice before Coach scolds us for being late."

The two of them began walking inside the field in silence until Kuramochi broke it.

"Wait a sec. When did you guys start dating again?"

Miyuki counts his fingers. "Um, like two and a half months ago. What, you think we won't last?"

"Nah. It's just something doesn't feel right."

"Are you sick, too?"


Miyuki pointed at Furuya who was doing some basic stretches. "He's been under the weather lately. It's pretty obvious from the way he's pitching. I'm getting bored."

Kuramochi said, "That's not good. Should we tell the coach?"

"He's getting better, so I guess he's fine now." The catcher set down his bag on the dugout bench and pulled out his gear. "Help me with my stuff real quick."

As the green-haired teen adjusted his friend's gear, a burning question occupied his thoughts.

'Furuya's having a slump 'cause he's sick? That doesn't sound like our monster rookie. He would never let it show. What's going on?'


11:30 PM - Miyuki's Room

"Ouch!" Isashiki Jun exclaimed. "Massage it a little softer, will ya?"

Furuya lowered his head apologetically and proceeded to prod Jun's calves tenderly. "Is that better?"

"Good, good."

In his absence, Miyuki's room was flooded with the regulars who were either playing video games, creating workout plans, or plainly sleeping around.

Damn it, Masuko.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" Jun asked as he fished for a few coins in his pocket. He placed them in Furuya's hand and winked. "Can you go to a vending machine on the street and buy me some beer?"

Furuya rose a brow. "Beer? Isashiki-senpai, you shouldn't be drinking."

"I know, but today's practice really took a toll on me and I need something to wind down. Look at this beard, I'm gettin' old. Please? There's some extra change in there, so you can treat yourself."

Sighing, the raven-haired teen reluctantly agreed and walked out to the main street. As the can of beer tumbled to the bottom of the vending machine, he groaned as he felt a throbbing sensation in his head.

--Flashback--"Hey, monster rookie! Drink up! Come onnnnn, don't be such a wuss! I'm begging you, just this once! You'll feel good! I promise!"--Flashback End--

Furuya gasped as his grip on the beer can tightened.

"Wh-What? What was that? Who was that? When…where…was that a memory?"

--Flashback--"Don't worry, I'll be quick. No one's gonna know. We're the only people here. Tetsu-san and the others are in the other room."--Flashback End--

Furuya held his head in pain as he sauntered back to Seido. The memories were all a blur, too fuzzy and unclear for him to dissect.

"Who was talking to me? Where was I? Their voice sounds so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it."

Entering Miyuki's room, he tossed Jun his can of beer and began to leave.

"You're not gonna chill with us?" Jun called after him. "Thanks, by the way."

Furuya shook his head. "I'm going to my room. Goodnight." 'I don't have time to waste. I need to find out who that was soon, or else it might be too late to tell Akagi-sensei my decision.'