Confrontation: Part 2

Back to 9:15 PM - Restaurant

"Furuya's pregnant?!" Ryosuke exclaimed. He used a napkin to wipe some sauce from his lips. "You're kidding. He doesn't look like the type to fancy someone, much less have sex. He's practically asexual."

"Exactly," Kuramochi said over a healthy bite of chicken. "That's what I thought at first, but then I found out that it wasn't exactly consensual. Guess who did it."

"No one comes to mind. Also, don't talk with your mouth full."

"He's a shitty bastard."

"Miyuki?! I heard that he was dating Sawamura, though. What a bastard. I should teach him a lesson. Does Sawamura know?"

Kuramochi shook his head. "Nah. Only I know, and we've decided not to tell him 'cause it's gonna hurt him. Like, he honestly deserves to know, but we can't bring ourselves to do it. He's gonna lose his mind if we do."

Ryosuke crossed his legs. "I can't believe this. I'm gone for a while and this is what happens? Is Furuya determined on keeping the baby? He's only two years younger than me, but that's a whole lot of responsibility on his shoulders. He doesn't understand."

"Oh, trust me, he definitely understands. I tried talking some sense into him, but he's adamant about giving birth. I can't exactly stop him. It's what he wants, so the most I can do is help out. It's my job as his upperclassman…even though the others took it the wrong way. They called him a selfish slut for having sex and all that shit. I almost committed murder, Ryo-san. They were extremely out of order."

"I get where you're coming from," Ryosuke said, "but you can't blame them. Seido finally became a stable unit, and then this freshman that had an overwhelming amount of promise becomes pregnant out of nowhere. The team is bound to feel betrayed and shocked, but yes, calling Furuya a slut was unnecessary. It wasn't his fault, it was Miyuki's." A pause. "Do you know exactly how it happened? I'm interested."

Kuramochi clenched his fists as he envisioned Furuya being manipulated by Miyuki on the night that was supposed to be for their enjoyment, not an opportunity to prey on an innocent person.

"That four-eyed prick got Furuya drunk at this karaoke bar we went to and forced himself on him. He took advantage of him, Ryo-san! And I feel bad because we all could have stopped him, but we were too buzzed to even notice that they were gone for so long!"

"Don't feel bad. None of you guys saw that coming." Ryosuke sighed. "I never thought he'd stoop that low. If he were here, I'd kill him with my bare hands."

"I second that."

A heavy silence swept over their conversation as the two of them trembled in excitement at the thought of Miyuki's demise. They knew he would pay someday. They stared at each other knowingly, their eyes radiating menacingly. They found it unfair and rather disrespectful how Miyuki believed that Furuya's pregnancy was none of his concern. How dare he reject something they had painfully lost, how dare he go on with his life thinking he was safe, how dare he betray Eijun.

That was the worst of it all.

Kuramochi looked at the clock against the wall and burst from the table. "Shit, it's getting late! I should go now. I'll walk you to your hotel on the way back."

Ryosuke smirked. "I didn't come all the way to Tokyo just to eat with you, you know."

"Then what?"

"Why do you think my shorts are this short, silly?"

"…oh! Hyaha! Ryo-san, you're so subtle, but I don't have any condoms on me." 'Did we not just talk about not doing this?!'

"I came prepared. Let's go." Ryosuke stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

'He's gonna be the death of me, I swear,' Kuramochi thought.

He grinned as he paid the bill and ran after his boyfriend. This was exactly what he needed, a night off from all the drama at Seido. He needed a break, something, anything, that would temporarily allow him to escape this shitty excuse of reality.


9:23 PM

"What the fuck?!" Jun bellowed, pushing past Eijun.

He didn't care that Miyuki was half-naked or that he had invaded the couple's privacy. From what he could hear through the door, it sounded one-sided, but that was beside the point. He fucking knew it. He had a hunch ever since the meeting and Miyuki had proved him right.

Everything was slowly coming back to him, everything from the night at the karaoke bar. He knew that was where it happened and he needed to extract an answer from the brat that did it.

Miyuki scrambled to put his pants on. He blew it. He shouldn't have said anything. He shouldn't have lost his temper. His downfall had begun the second he had opened his mouth—wait. No one really knew that he was the father. They were only suspecting him, after all. He could skate by by saying he was playing around and everyone would take him seriously since he was a jokester. It was simply a little jest to lighten up the mood, that's it.

He would deal with Eijun later.

Eijun covered his mouth in shock. His stomach churned as panic began to set in. He couldn't believe it. He refused to believe it. He steadied himself with a hand on the wooden doorframe and consequently got a splinter from how hard he was gripping onto it.

"Kazuya, you're joking, right?" he demanded. "Kazuya, don't just sit there and ignore me! Screw your pants! Leave them alone! Is it true? Please tell me you're not the one who got Furuya pregnant. Kazuya!"

Miyuki rolled his eyes. "Jun-san, why were you eavesdropping on us in the first place? That's technically an invasion of privacy, which is against the rules of the dorm."

"Who gives a shit about dorm rules?!" Jun retaliated. "I was eavesdropping 'cause I knew you were suspicious from the start! During the meeting, you were the only one who looked like you didn't give a shit about what was going on and YOU literally just admitted it right now! How could you? How could you do this to Sawamura, to the team, to Furuya?!"

"It's called a prank. Why would I go out of my way to get him pregnant when I'm dating Eijun? I only "admitted" it because I wanted to see Eijun's reaction." Miyuki tilted his head to look at his teary-eyed boyfriend. "Babe, don't cry. It was a prank." 'This should work…'

"Cut the crap!" Jun said as he punched Miyuki in the face. "Don't take me for a fool! I was drunk as all living hell, but I remember exactly what I saw that night at the karaoke bar! I saw you and Furuya coming outta that damn room! You two looked like a complete mess, with hickeys and scratches everywhere!

"I bet it wasn't even consensual 'cause Furuya looked drunk and we all know that he would never drink at his age! Sadly enough, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I paid it no mind. Now everything makes sense!" He turned to Eijun. "Your boyfriend is a fucking cheater, bro."

Miyuki massaged his cheek as he broke into a nervous sweat. He should've closed the damn door when he and Furuya went into that room, but he thought no one would be nosy enough to look in. He should've made sure to conceal their damn marks before leaving.

He should've made sure about so many other damn things, but that was the least of his worries. He could regret everything later. Currently, he needed to worry about Eijun.

As Jun left to bring Tetsu to resolve this affair, Miyuki slowly crawled over to Eijun who was on the floor, his mouth hung open.

"Babe," he said softly. "Let me explain—"

Eijun swatted his hand away. "D-Don't touch me!" he screeched.

His emotions were in turmoil. He didn't know what or how to feel. Jun wouldn't lie about this and he remembered as well, how Furuya came back into their karaoke room with a strange "bubbliness" about him. He even smelled like Miyuki, strongly, but he just assumed that he met Miyuki in the hallway or something. It didn't raise any suspicion, and he regretted it deeply.

He let his rival sleep with his boyfriend.

And now said rival was pregnant with said boyfriend's child.

And said rival had carried on being his rival as if there was nothing wrong, as if he did nothing wrong, as if everything was fine.

And said rival continued playing baseball with him, as if he did nothing wrong.

Absolute bullshit.

Eijun looked up at Miyuki. "It had to be you, huh?" he whispered. "Well? You got anything to say? You better say something."

Miyuki swallowed. Defending himself would be futile and so was trying to calm Eijun down. For the first time, he was at a loss. He tried his best to grin, but it was weak and unconvincing. "Nobody's perfect, damn it. I make mistakes, too."

Eijun got to his feet and walked away, not sparing his partner another look. "I'm going to bed. I don't want to see your face."



Miyuki watched silently as Eijun went to his room, despondent. He had never seen him like that before. Eijun was supposed to be loud, bubbly, radiant, and happy, not this vengeful monster he had just turned into.


9:45 PM

"FUCK!" Ryosuke moaned as he climaxed.

He instinctively arched his back as he suddenly went numb. His entire body tensed and shivered violently as shocks of pleasure and bliss shot through him like lightning. It only lasted a few seconds, wanting it to last forever.

Kuramochi collapsed on top of him, kissing him deeply, passionately, and sloppily. He was breathless and sweaty and sticky, but that was nothing new to him.

Breaking the kiss, Kuramochi wiped the sweat from his brow as he came down from his high, his cloudy vision clearing up. "It's been months, but I still freaking got it," he panted. "Holy shit, I really needed that, Ryo-san. You're amazing."

Ryosuke hummed as his orgasm subsided. He desperately wanted more but with this being their third round, he figured he'd let his boyfriend rest.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say you still "got it," per se," he teased. "You suck at coordinating your thrusts and you should loosen your grip. My hips are going to be sore."

"Strange, I don't recall you complaining when you were screaming how much you loved me as I fucked you into the bed. Screaming, "Youichi, you're too big to be fucking me that deep!" and "I'm about to cum, baby, don't stop until I cum! Make me cum!" doesn't sound like a lack of coordination to me."

Ryosuke pinched Kuramochi's nipple, scowling. "Don't get sassy with me, Youichi. Have you lost your mind? Do you have a death wish?"

"Ow, ow, let go, that hurts!"

"Take it back."

"You started it!"

"Take. It. Back."

"Ow, ow, ow! Fine, I'm sorry!"

Ryosuke released Kuramochi's nipple, successfully reminding him of who wore the pants in this relationship. "I hate you sometimes."

"L-Love you, too, Ryo-san."

After Kuramochi reminded himself to never be a smart-ass with his boyfriend again, they cuddled and rubbed each other comfortingly, neither one of them saying a word. The hotel room was stuffy with the smell of sex, and the sheets were soaked in bodily fluids, too exhausted from their "reunion" to change them.

Mochi's phone is ringing, aye

Mochi's phone is ringing, aye

Pick it up, pick it up

Mochi's phone is ringing, aye

Kuramochi groaned as he extended his arm and blindly fumbled around for his phone on the carpet.

Ryosuke laughed. "You still didn't get rid of that cringy ringtone?"

"Oh, shut it." Kuramochi found his phone and slid the answer button. "What's up? Why are you calling me? Go to sleep."

It was Furuya. "Senpai, are you out right now? I saw you leaving campus after the meeting."

"I'm coming back in a few. Is something wrong?"

"…crab omelet."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I want a crab omelet and some ice cream. My cravings must be satisfied."

A vein popped on Kuramochi's forehead. "What do I look like to you, your maid? It ain't my job to be satisfying your damn cravings!"

"I'll be waiting. Be safe." Furuya hung up.

"Hey! Hey!" The second-year tossed his phone and clenched his fists. "That kid is gonna kill me…"

Ryosuke turned onto his stomach and crossed his legs in the air. "You're not going to spend the night because of some entitled freshman's pregnancy cravings? I thought you were tougher than that, Youichi. I'm ashamed."

"I guess I kinda did sign up to be his caretaker once I found out about everything. I don't mind, really. It's just that he can be a bit demanding at times, but he slips it in. That's how you fall into his trap." Kuramochi rolled off the bed and stretched. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and bounce. Care to join me?"

Ryosuke purred. "I'd be delighted to. Make any sudden moves and you won't be returning for another hour."


9:52 PM

Here Miyuki was again, in the cafeteria in front of Jun and Tetsu.

He couldn't escape.

Tetsu crossed his arms. "So let me get this straight before any more confusion arises," he said as calmly as he could. "You intoxicated Furuya that night, took him to an empty karaoke room, and had sex with him knowing that neither of you had a condom at the ready?"

Miyuki shrugged. "I wasn't even planning on having sex beforehand. Besides, boys don't normally get pregnant, so I had no idea."

"I don't care. Frankly, I don't care. Not only were you being irresponsible, you're also refusing to take responsibility for something the both of you created. I understand that you and Sawamura are dating, but that doesn't give you the right to blatantly deny Furuya.

"What you did to him can technically be counted as rape since he was under the influence of alcohol. Neither of you were in your right minds, but you could be charged for rape, Miyuki. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"


"Excuse me?"

"Yes, captain."

Jun scratched his beard. "We're telling the coach about this tomorrow morning. That's final. For all the respect that we have for you, which is very little at the moment, there is no way we're going to let this slide. We can't accept this kind of behavior on our team. I can't believe Kuramochi got blamed 'cause of your cowardice. We gotta clear his name."

"What matters most," Tetsu added, "is getting Furuya's side of the story and confirming this. We'll do that tomorrow, too. It's getting late."

Miyuki wasted no time in jumping from his seat and disappearing before their eyes.

Tetsu relaxed in his chair. "I never wanted to handle these sorts of issues, Jun."

"Whaddya mean?"

"I agreed to be captain mainly because all of you believed I had the ability to lead us to Koshien. This isn't a soap opera. Pregnancies aren't something I agreed to deal with, but…if it's for the sake of the team, I don't mind."

Jun smiled. "So, if I get pregnant—"

Tetsu's eyes flashed. "Don't you even dare. Let's go to bed."


10:20 PM

Kuramochi huffed as he shuffled into Furuya's room, turned on the light, and threw a plastic bag onto his bed. "Next time, I ain't buying you shit."

Furuya poked his head out from the covers and retrieved his hard-earned crab omelet from the bag. He picked up a plastic fork and ate it from its to-go box.

"Ah, it's still warm," he sighed.

The shortstop sat at Furuya's desk and rubbed his neck. Ryosuke had given him another hickey—as if he didn't have enough already—on his way out and he couldn't be bothered to hide it anymore. The damage was much, much worse underneath his clothes.

Furuya stared at Kuramochi, his hickeys in particular. "So you leave campus at night to frolic in the streets? How irresponsible. Don't end up like me."

"I'm not on the receiving end, damn it! Shut up and eat your omelet. Put the ice cream in your mini-fridge before it melts—wait, why are you crying?!"

Furuya himself was startled when tears suddenly fell from his eyes. Sure, he had let out his frustrations earlier, but he was over it now. Tanba meant what he said and it was too late to change his mind. He set down his fork and looked at Kuramochi.

"I don't know why I'm crying. I didn't search it up, but this is probably another pregnancy symptom. Randomly getting emotional, that is. I'm not sad. I'm glad that you're here for me. I never asked you to be more than a teammate. I never asked you to take care of me, yet here you are.

"Everyone thinks you're the one who impregnated me and school tomorrow is going to be quite the ordeal for us, but...I just wanted to thank you."

Kuramochi's jaw slackened. Ever since the school year started, this was the most he's heard Furuya talk in one breath. He reminded him of Ryosuke. Quiet, but a nonstop train when he expressed his bottled-up emotions. A warm fire coursed through him as he leaped up and embraced Furuya.

It was an embrace of nothing more than friendship and care. It was an embrace to let Ryosuke know that because he had failed once, he wasn't going to fail again. He was going to help Furuya give birth no matter what, not because he dragged himself into this mess, but because it was what any human being would do.

"I'm not going anywhere," he whispered. "We have seven months left. Let's knock this shit out the park."

Furuya dried his tears on Kuramochi's shirt, nodding.

"Thank you, senpai."