A Lie We Must Tell

The Same Day - Saturday

Riding bikes around the scenic part of town, spontaneously joining a casual game of baseball at the park with the locals, doing some shopping, and having a meal at Furuya's favorite restaurant—him having a favorite anything was a surprise for Miyuki—draws their outing to a close.

They take a taxi home and meet Kasumi in the living room.

"Heyyy," she greets, setting down her beer can, "it's only 8 PM. Didn't expect you to be back so soon."

Furuya digs in his pocket for the seahorse keychain they bought for her, "We don't like to stay out late, unlike some people," he remarks.

Miyuki snickers.

Kasumi sticks her tongue out teasingly and accepts the keychain as they head upstairs to shower. Afterward, another conversation begins.

"So, what are your thoughts on Tomakomai?" Furuya's sitting at his vanity, moisturizing his face.

"It reflects your personality," Miyuki says, drying his hair with a towel, "Serene, slow-placed, relaxed. If I didn't live in Tokyo, I would settle down here."


"Yes. Anything to escape my father's reach."

'Maybe in the future…we could both live here. As a family.'

Furuya brushes that thought away and swivels around in his chair, facing Miyuki just in time to see him pull a shirt over his head.

"Speaking of parents," he says, silently relishing the sight of his toned abs before they're hidden, "we should tell my mom about us. Tonight. And, I know this sounds problematic, but…I suggest we omit the aspect of how it was…non-consensual. For your sake."

Miyuki hums, then answers, "My sake?"

"She adores you and we can't risk sabotaging that. If she were to know the truth, it would ruin the dynamic between you two."

"You're not worried about how she'd react to her own son being pregnant? You're worried about how she'd feel about me?"

"It won't be my first rodeo disappointing her, so I can handle her reaction towards me. But you, I don't want her opinion of you to change no matter how misleading it is. We can't let the only adult who loves you become hostile."

Miyuki's jaw slackens, "The only adult? Wow, that's low. I bet you thought that was funny, huh?"

Furuya shrugs, "Am I mistaken?"

The catcher pinches the bridge of his nose as he paces around the room. He can admit that he, too, has thought about concealing the truth from Kasumi once the time came. It had been circulating in his mind since their late-night conversation at the dinner table. It was brutal, and he still can't forgive himself for taking advantage of Furuya, but losing Kasumi's beautifully suffocating love would tear him apart.

It needed to be done.

Miyuki stops pacing and squeezes Furuya's shoulders, "Let's go with that," he says determinedly, "Whatever happens, happens. However…can we watch a few more episodes of that drama first? That cliffhanger's been bugging me all day and we need to mentally prepare ourselves."

"You read my mind."


10:45 PM

"Honeyyy," Kasumi croons.

She's laying on her side in bed, hair tied and clad in silk pajamas. The lights in her room are dim, the TV across from her airing an air-fryer infomercial. She snaps a picture of the phone number moving along the screen for future usage, adding to her list of impulsive purchases.

"I miss you," she continues, "When are you coming home?"

"Sorry, honey," her husband Shinichiro apologizes over the phone, "One of our business partners slipped in a bathroom and hit her head on the toilet in an aquarium, so we're trying to find her replacement while she recovers. As soon as we close this deal, I'll be on the train straight home."

"Jesus Christ, I hope she's okay," Kasumi says, playing with a loose strand of hair, "I understand, though. If you ever find yourself bored, I can send some pics to keep you company."

Her sultry tone has Shinichiro stroking his goatee, intrigued, "Oh, so you miss me that much? Well, I better be a good husband and get home pronto. For now, I'll surely return the favor."

Kasumi exchanges more pleasantries with him before saying goodnight and hanging up. She unties her hair, unbuttons her top, and exposes her chest. Just as she's about to take a selfie, there's a knock at the door.

Startled, she yelps and her phone flies out of her hands, "Shit! Ruru, is that you?"

"Mmm," Furuya mumbles.

"H-Hold on!" 'This kid has such poor timing!'

She clumsily buttons her top and ties her hair again. She takes a deep breath, "Come in!"

Furuya and Miyuki enter. Kasumi immediately senses their tenseness and furrows her brow.

"What's wrong?" she asks, "You guys didn't break anything, right? Or are you hungry? I'm more than willing to cook—"

"We have to talk to you," Furuya says, playing with his fingers, "It's serious."

"Oh. You need me to put my game face on? Okay, I'm listening."

The raven-haired teen gulps. His mother had no qualms lighting strangers up when they pushed the limits of her temper, but she was always gentle with him.

Maybe it won't be as nerve-racking as he thinks.

Looking at Miyuki for confidence, Furuya exhales, then speaks, "I know this doesn't make sense, and we don't comprehend the science surrounding it either, but…I'm…I'm pregnant."

It fills the room like a heavy cloud, thickening the air with a weighty and precarious silence.

"Bitch!" Kasumi exclaims.

The tension pops like a pin piercing a balloon as she erupts into a fit of laughter. She's slapping her thigh, gasping for air.

"Th-That's hilarious! I've literally never heard that before! Hahaha! Wow! Man, if you don't get that, what do they call it, omega-verse shit out of my face! I'm genuinely crying tears, that was so funny! Let me guess, Kazuya-kun just happens to be the father? Hahaha—"

"Yes," Miyuki interjects.

Kasumi's voice cuts out abruptly. She raises her head. The two teenagers haven't budged an inch, unamused.

"No way…this isn't a prank? This isn't a joke? You're pregnant?"

Their silence is enough of an answer.

Darkness enshrouds Kasumi's features as she regains her composure, sitting straight. She shuts off the TV.

"Satoru. Kazuya. Sit."