Kick Start! Furuya and Miyuki's Week Together

The Same Day - Tuesday - 7:00 PM

"Are you mad at me?" Miyuki asked.

Furuya spared him a glance before looking out the bus window, resuming his sightseeing.

"Why would I be mad at you?" he responded. "There's nothing for me to be mad about. We made it to the bus on time, which was my only concern. Don't get too full of yourself."

"Again with the attitude," Miyuki complained, his shoulders sinking. "You're definitely mad at me. Pissed, even. If it's about Mei, you can cut it out. Nothing happened between us."

Furuya gestured to the base of Miyuki's neck. A hickey was peeking above the collar of his shirt, the teeth marks still fresh.

"If nothing happened, then what's that?" Furuya questioned, squinting. "One can't possibly disappear for thirty minutes, come back with a hickey, and pretend like nothing occurred."

"A hickey? Bold of you to assume it's only one."

Furuya recoiled in disgust.

Miyuki chuckled as he readjusted his collar, perfectly covering his one of many hickeys.

"I just had to say that," he said as he leaned his head against the windowpane. "It was burning in the back of my mind and I thought it was funny. Given that you didn't laugh, it wasn't that funny after all. I'm sorry. All I can truthfully say is that nothing sexual happened. I'm not that kind of guy."

"What kind of guy?"

"I won't have sex with someone if I'm still in love with another person. I know I'm the antagonist of your narrative, but there are levels of tomfoolery that even I won't stoop to."

'Don't say that. You're not a bad guy.' Furuya, realizing that he almost said that out loud, sat up in his seat and responded to the part that he was supposed to answer.

"You're still in love with Sawamura?" he asked.

Miyuki nodded, a visible shift in his demeanor as he remembered that stormy afternoon in his room with Eijun.

"Yeah," he said, "Not that you'd care or anything, but my emotions are still very much in turmoil. I don't know what to do with myself. Not a day goes by where I don't curse myself for being so…oblivious to his emotions. I loved him but I deceived him and took his trust for granted."

"Mmm. Sure."

"Listen, I know the hickeys aren't a good look when I'm rambling about Eijun, but it's honestly something I had no control over. My relationship with Mei is a complicated one that I won't delve into right now, but let's just say that…he leaves me powerless sometimes. All the time, actually. He's a control freak who finds pleasure in pushing my buttons. Does that clear things up for you?"

"I guess," Furuya said, shrugging, "It's only twisted if you enjoyed Narumiya's company."

"Hell no. Every second was torture for me. I was apologizing to Eijun in my head the entire time, which is funny because he probably wouldn't care. My apologies mean nothing to him now."

Furuya averted his eyes to look at Miyuki, whose face was expressing visible signs of pain and regret. It was painful for him too, seeing his beloved upperclassman conflicted with emotions he couldn't relieve him of.

Miyuki's mind was elsewhere, thinking about Mei and Eijun, not him.

--Flashback--"Sounds like jealousy to me," Kuramochi remarked.--Flashback End--

Furuya couldn't deny it any longer.

He was a fireball of jealousy, envy, everything he aspired not to be, ready to burst. The sole purpose of this trip was to bond with Miyuki and eradicate these feelings, yet they were only being fueled the more Miyuki talked about people that weren't him.

"Miyuki-senpai," he finally said, desperate to change the topic, "what's your house like? Come to think of it, you've never mentioned much about your home life."

Miyuki scoffed as he reached for a bag of chips on the table between them and opened it.

"And it should have stayed that way," he said bitterly. "You're the second person after Mei who will have visited my house. It's comparable to a rollercoaster where once you reach the top, the only way is down, down into the fucking ground. Sounds fun, right? Miyuki Kazuya has a fun life; it's just how you interpret it."

"You just referred to yourself in the third person," Furuya said, growing wary, "Are you okay? You've never done that before."

"Crap. Miyuki Kazuya forgot to take his meds again."


"Just kidding!" Miyuki laughed loudly, holding his stomach. The sight of Furuya's worried expression was to die for. "I'm kidding! I don't need meds. Want some?"

Furuya looked down as the catcher extended his arm, shaking his bag of chips, "You're offering?" he asked.

Miyuki shook the bag again, "What, did you expect me to eat these all by myself? I can't let the mother of my child starve. Help yourself."

"I dislike that you know how to use your words," Furuya mumbled as he stuck his hand down the bag and grabbed a handful of chips.

"The least you can do is say thank you."

"Don't care."

"You have respect for no one. I'm appalled."

"Whatever. How much longer until we arrive? I want to take a nap."

"Six stops."


7:30 PM

"Excuse-fucking-me?!" Kuramochi yells into his phone. "Staying over? With the Yakushi dudes? You must be out of your damn mind. I left you back there on purpose and now you're telling me this shit? I'm not having it. Bring your ass here i-fucking-mmediately! Hey, Bakamura! Are you there?"

"Don't be afraid," Sanada whispers into Eijun's ear huskily, "You decided to pick up the phone, now answer him. Answer him, Sawamura, or else I'll kick this up a notch."

Eijun lets out a sharp cry as Sanada latches onto his hips, his firm grasp adding immense pressure to the already violent force of his thrusts, rhythmic and coordinated. Eijun's string of cries becomes muffled as Sanada pushes his head into the pillow and grabs a fistful of hair, his nails scraping his scalp.

"Bakamura!" Kuramochi yells again, straining his ears, "Are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Y-Yes, I'm h-here!" Eijun screams into the pillow as Sanada leans down and rubs the tip of his cock with his thumb, small beads of pre-cum gliding down his shaft. This combined with Sanada's relentless thrusts that painfully brushed past his prostate each time was driving him insane, and he wasn't too positive if he could maintain his composure long enough to keep Kuramochi on the line.

"Well," Kuramochi says suspiciously, "what are you doing? I can barely hear you but from what I can tell, you're out of breath. Are you working out with them or something?"

Sanada stifles a groan as Eijun props himself up on his elbows, steadily arches his back, and complements his movements just as passionately, marveling at how his cock fully disappears inside him, deliciously and with ease.

"You're such a tease," Sanada breathes, unable to peel his eyes away from the sight, "Size was never an issue for you, huh? Look at how beautifully you're taking me in."

Eijun turns his head around and flashes him a quick grin before returning to his call with Kuramochi.

"There's m-more than o-one way to work out," he says, his voice guttural as he chokes out his words, "I guess y-you can say I'm w-working on my lower b-body."

"Alright," Kuramochi hums, convinced, "We haven't done leg day in a while. Anyway, if you're seriously planning on staying over, don't do anything dumb and be on time for morning practice. You're coming, right?"

Like a volcano erupting with hot lava, Eijun explodes when Sanada viciously yanks him up by the hair and uses his other hand to firmly spank him in rapid succession, the searing stings sending electric jolts of pleasure down his spine. He claws at the sheets, howling through bared teeth as Sanada thrusts harder and deeper, each rapid movement causing his vision to cloud with black spots.

"YES, I'M CUMMING!" Eijun howls into the air, "FUCK, SANADA-SENPAI! I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Harder, please! Hit my spot, please! Shit, it feels so good!"

"I'm not an amateur," Sanada pants, "I don't need to hit your prostate to make you cum. Cum for me, Sawamura."

"I'm almost there, senpai! Please, please, please!"

Kuramochi's blood freezes as the familiar sounds of skin smacking against skin and Eijun's moans that he had the displeasure of hearing register in his mind.

The conclusion?

Eijun was having sex.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Kuramochi bellows, veins popping all over his forehead, "So this is what you do behind my back?! Masuko, you hear this shit?! I swear to everything, Sawamura, once you get back, you're getting your ass beat! Masuko, fetch my belt!"

One last spank tips Eijun over the edge and Sanada growls as Eijun suddenly tightens around his cock, trapping him.

Falling to the bed, the brunette's moans are choppy and breathless, his lower body spasming with the aftershocks of a mind-blowing orgasm. Seconds later, every muscle from the waist down goes numb, a calm numbness that is only interrupted when Sanada reaches his climax and releases inside of him. It comes as a surprise but he ignores it, too blissful to care about a thing.

"He hung up," Sanada groans as he slowly withdraws his cock and collapses next to Eijun. He wastes no time in pulling their bodies close together despite the copious amounts of sweat dripping from their bodies.

Eijun comes down from his high and leans his head against Sanada's chest, trying to catch his breath before responding.

"I'm in huge trouble. I'm scared, but then again…I'm not. I…I…crap, that was amazing. You're amazing. I figure you had no choice but to impress me since we've put this off for so long. Sorry."

Sanada shakes his head, planting a kiss on Eijun's forehead, "Waiting simply made me want you even more. I'd been planning this day in my head for weeks and now that you're finally next to me, naked, mind you, I'm a very happy camper. We can stop flirting in secret now."

"Hey," Eijun warns, "don't word it like that. That makes it sound like I was cheating on Kazuya the entire time."

"Are you sure you weren't? Our text messages prove otherwise."

"I never cheated on Kazuya! It was all you! Stop it!"

Sanada laughs as Eijun huffs angrily, rolling over and crossing his arms. To his dismay, the brunette was partially correct. His crush's courtship with Miyuki hadn't fazed him in the slightest; in fact, it only fed his mischievousness.

Each night before bed, he would bombard Eijun with text messages, some well-meaning, the other majority downright dirty and raunchy. Eijun barely reciprocated or showed interest in his conniving behavior, only answering minutes later with emojis and the usual, "STAHP IT PLS I'M A TAKEN MAN."

Sanada applauded Eijun's loyalty, yet detested his unwavering love for Miyuki.

It should've been him.

"It should've been me," Sanada says out loud, gritting his teeth.

Eijun uncrosses his arms and rolls back to Sanada's side of the bed. He nods.

"I know. I feel so stupid thinking about it. I fell crazy hard for Kazuya, but you were always there in the background, never giving up on me. I liked you as a friend, but I loved Kazuya. It should've been the other way around."

Sanada sighs, "We can fix that."

"What do you mean?" Eijun asks.

"I'll pop the question later. While we're here, are you comfortable sharing about how you and Miyuki broke up?"

"I just came my tits off, senpai! I wanna think happy thoughts!"

"Round two is on the line."

"Okay, fine! Well, it all started about a week ago…"


7:55 PM

Furuya and Miyuki hop off the bus when they arrive at their stop. They stretch before picking up their bags and starting the short walk to Miyuki's house.

Furuya, having never been to this part of Tokyo, is intrigued by the smallest things that catch his attention—how it was still warm even at night, the bright lights in the distance, and the faint tunes from karaoke bars mixed with the harmonious chirping of birds creating a soothing atmosphere, one that wouldn't last for long.

Furuya also notices that each step Miyuki takes is prolonged, his feet pushing off of the cracked concrete pavement slower than usual. It was a particular detail that he could confidently associate with two attributes:

Hesitation and fear.

Furuya walks up no farther than a foot behind him and asks, "Miyuki-senpai, are you okay? You don't seem well."

"Why would you even ask something like that?" Miyuki bites back, never looking up, "You're the pregnant one; I should be asking you that. Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, but you're not. I get it now. You're afraid."

Miyuki comes to a halt and turns around, making piercing eye contact with Furuya, "What I am afraid of, Mr. Fortune Teller? Since you think you're all-knowing, read my palm and tell me what I'm afraid of."

As instructed, Furuya takes Miyuki's hand and runs his fingers across the three lines etched on his palm.

"It says here that you are indeed ashamed of me and you're afraid of introducing me to your family. Am I right?"

Miyuki pulls his hand away and continues walking, "I was joking, idiot. Get a sense of sarcasm, will ya?"

"You didn't deny my claim, so I must be correct."

"Not now, Furuya."

"I want to hear the truth, Miyuki-senpai. Am I right?"

"Furuya, I said not now."

"Then when—"

"Is…Is that my boy?!" a raspy voice rings out, "Son, is that you?"

A flash of heat courses through Miyuki's body as he looks up and sees his father in the doorway, waving in his direction, the light from the streetlamp illuminating his smile.

'Why is he glad to see me?' Miyuki thinks. 'Don't panic, Kazuya. He's only being friendly because he sees I'm with someone else. If that wasn't the case…'

Miyuki and Furuya make their way to the front of the house, where they're warmly greeted by Miyuki's father. Furuya is introduced as a friend who's staying over while the Seido dorms are under repair—a clever lie they crafted on the bus ride here.

They enter the house and Furuya takes this opportunity to update his mental diary.

The first room he steps into is the kitchen. The walls are painted a sickly yellow, neglect and age causing them to chip and peel in certain places. A dining table with three chairs stands in the center, wooden and old, yet recently polished from the shiny varnish reflecting off the surface.

A conventional oven and a stainless steel refrigerator are backed up against a wall to his left, hiding a small portion of the dated flower wallpaper. Across the kitchen sits a small coffee table, home to a vase with wilted flowers and a broken picture frame.

Miyuki catches Furuya staring at the picture frame too intently for his liking and he clears his throat.

"Can you not?" he asks, taking a seat at the table. "It's rude to stare."

"It's fine, it's fine," Miyuki's father says with a laugh. He shuffles over to the stove and boils some water in a black kettle, "He's a guest, so of course he'd be curious about his surroundings. By the way, Furuya-kun, I'm not one for formalities so you can just address me as Kazuhiko-san, alright? Kazuya's friends are my friends."

With Kazuhiko's back turned, Furuya mockingly sticks his tongue out at Miyuki as he also takes a seat.

Miyuki rolls his eyes.

When the kettle finally starts to whistle, Kazuhiko turns around and smiles again, the wrinkles around his mouth creasing as his lips curve upwards.

"Well," he says, removing his cap, "it's getting late and I have lots of work to do tomorrow, so I should probably head to bed. I know teenagers like you guys think it's early, but as an old man, I need my rest. The tea's ready, so help yourselves to a cup. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Furuya says, bowing his head.

Kazuhiko leaves the kitchen.

A curtain of silence hangs over Miyuki and Furuya until they hear the slam of the door of his room shutting.

Miyuki gets up from the table and retrieves two mugs from the cupboard. He fills them to the brim with tea and sets one in front of Furuya.

Furuya flinches as he burns his tongue, drinking faster than he should've.

"It's too warm for tea anyway," he says.

"Shut up and drink it," Miyuki responds, leaning against the counter, crossing his legs at the ankles, "I thought you had manners."

"Why didn't you say goodnight to your father?"

"Drink your tea, Furuya."

"He seems like a nice person. He bought our lie faster than we anticipated."

"That's only because you're a new face around here. Once he finds out the truth…no. Once we tell him the truth, he'll perform a complete 180. Olympic medal-worthy. Trust me."

Furuya carefully blows on his tea before sipping it this time, letting the bitter yet rich flavor caress his tastebuds before swallowing.

"This stuff is great," he whispers into his mug.

"Sit there and enjoy your tea," Miyuki says, dumping his share into the sink. "I'm gonna take a shower first, so—"

"Shouldn't a guest shower first? I thought you had manners."

"This is my house, okay? As I was saying, when you're finished drinking, you can wait in my room. It's down the hall and to the left."

Furuya nods as Miyuki walks past him and heads into the bathroom. For a few minutes, he sits there, tapping his fingers against his mug, rocking side to side, really anything to distract himself from forbidden thoughts of water cascading down Miyuki's toned body, pockets of steam barely censoring his sensitive parts.

His attempt is proven futile and he admits defeat by drinking the rest of his tea and placing the mug in the sink. He slings his and Miyuki's bags over each shoulder and finds Miyuki's room.

'Here it is,' he thinks, hand on the knob, 'Miyuki-senpai's room. Is it strange for me to say that I've been waiting for this moment? This is where he grew up and spent his days thinking about baseball. I finally get to experience the most private details of his life, things that even Sawamura doesn't know…well, here goes.'

Then, just as Furuya's about to turn the knob, he feels a rush of cold air, raising the hairs on his neck. His eyes widen as a shadow appears in front of Miyuki's door, indicating that someone was behind him.

A pair of wrinkly hands creep onto his shoulders, and Furuya gasps as Kazuhiko twists his head around and faces him, an eerie smile dominating the greater half of his visage.

"Furuya-kuuun," Kazuhiko taunts, "you're pregnant, aren't you? With Kazuya's child."