A Pitcher Scorned

"I want you to fuck me."

Miyuki was no stranger to those words. He has had the misfortune of hearing them in person and viewing them through texts, but they were always in jest and used to rile him up.

However, with how deadpan yet lustful those words carried themselves out of Mei's mouth, presenting themselves as a novelty, they settled in his mind differently this time.

They were commanding him.

Miyuki was never too particularly keen on satisfying Mei's carnal desires. Disregarding his feelings, the blonde was a hedonist, parched for any opportunity he could seize to touch him. Kissing, making hickeys, cuddling, and hurried touches through clothing were the farthest they have ever gone.

Mei always wanted to reach the next base and get railed until his legs turned into putty, but Miyuki effortlessly kept that specific desire at bay.

No amount of expertly taken nudes or raunchy messages would rattle his resolve to never view Mei sexually. Or romantically. It was firm and resolute like an iron fortress, but, for the first and last time, he was inclined to let it waver. With his mission in mind, this night would be their final rendezvous and he supposed he could curb Mei's appetite.

To the lowest degree.

"Okay," Miyuki agrees, "Where's your lube?"

"I-In the first compartment of my dresser," Mei blurts out before he's even processed what's happened.

Miyuki, who was stingy and adept at brushing off his overbearingly salacious antics, had finally caved in. Finally. Mei pinches his cheek to ensure he isn't dreaming or high on some suspicious gas, but the pain produced from his cheek contradicts those two assumptions.

His body is quivering with anticipation, with the gratification he fought tooth and nail for. His declaration of being more aggressive with Miyuki because of his failed relationship with Eijun has come to fruition, and he can't wait any longer.

As Miyuki returns with the lube, Mei pulls down his shorts and underwear, kicking them to the floor.

"So impatient," the bespectacled teen says, slicking his index and middle finger on his right hand.

"I've been patient for ages," Mei retorts, crossing his legs at the ankles.

His breath hitches in his throat when Miyuki forces his legs open, exposing his entrance. He cranes his neck to observe it.

It's twitching with want.

"Relax for me," Miyuki directs as he places his left hand on Mei's stomach, "Even with lube, if you're too tense, it won't go in easily."

"Don't you think I know that?!"

"I'm the one with experience here, midget. Not you."

"Still, that's common freaking knowledge. You're acting like I haven't fingered myself before!"

"Then shut it and relax for me."

Mei takes several deep breaths to calm his nerves, which he now admits he has, and Miyuki deems him prepared enough to proceed with his service.

He presses the tip of his index finger against his hole, then pushes a section of it inside. Mei whimpers at the foreign sensation. It wasn't supposed to be foreign since he's penetrated himself countless times, but being unable to control the speed, angles, or how much went inside of him was unnerving.

He bites his lip as Miyuki eventually fits the whole of his index finger. It stays still, as if scoping out its new environment, then begins moving back and forth.

It's not a pleasurable experience yet, but the reality of having a part of Miyuki within his most treasured place is making Mei's temperature rise, his cheeks flush, and his skin prickle with sweat.

Miyuki runs his free hand along the blonde's inner thigh, skating his fingers over sensitive patches of skin that he knew would elicit a reaction. Mei jolts and squirms, trying to close his legs, but Miyuki opens them forcefully again.

"It tickles when you do that!" Mei complains, "Just focus on my ass."

Miyuki pauses and raises a brow, "Whoa, whoa, what am I hearing? I'm in control here. You're not allowed to tell me what to do."

"And I'm the king; I get to have a say about what's being done to me."

"Not if I can help it, entitled brat."

Mei's back arches off the bed as Miyuki resumes his motions with fervor, twisting and turning his digit against the tight grip of his muscles. Mei brings his shirt collar to his lips and bites down, muffling his moans.

He's loose enough for another visitor, so Miyuki inserts his middle finger, making space for both.

Mei grips his sleeve, eyes squeezed shut as he adjusts to the stretch.

"What's wrong, king?" Miyuki asks huskily into his ear, "Too much for you? It's only my fingers. If you're already distraught by this, what makes you think my dick will be any better?"

"Fuck you," Mei whispers, his voice laden with pleasure as Miyuki kisses wetly up and down his earlobe, licking and biting. He jerks away, overstimulated, but Miyuki pulls him back and continues his onslaught.

'I'm so happy right now,' Mei thinks, 'He's not even using his dick, but it feels so good…oh my god…oh my god…I don't want this to end…'

"M-More...I can't...I want your dick," he sighs as he palms Miyuki's dick through his sweats, trying to arouse him. Greedy, he reaches in and barely brushes his cock before Miyuki swats his hand away.

"What do you think you're doing?" the catcher asks with a laugh.

Mei pouts, reaching and being denied a second time, "I want you inside me, K-Kazuya. I've seen your dick, but I've never touched it. You're unfair. I want you deep insi—"

"No," Miyuki interrupts sternly, cupping Mei's jaw aggressively, "One step at a time. Don't get too ahead of yourself. You don't think I can make you cum this way? You don't trust me? Are you underestimating me? I'm kinda offended."

Perturbed, Miyuki's fingers work in tandem, thrusting through Mei's rings of slippery muscle to scissor, curve, and caress. He does a beckoning motion with them as if he's scrolling on an upside-down computer mouse, and Mei stiffens.


"Found it," Miyuki breathes, in the process of giving him a hickey, "Your prostate. Was that it? You just tensed up on me."

Mei nods vehemently, grinding against his fingers, seeking more entry and pleasure, "Shit, Kazuya! If you m-make me cum like this, I'm gonna h-hate you for life."

"Why's that?"

"B-Because you're only using your f-fingers! It's unfair…"

'Well, you're really going to hate me now.'

Miyuki thrusts faster, noticing how Mei's hips are bucking sporadically, his cock dripping with precum. Completing his hickey, he moves his lips back up to his ear.

"Listen to me, okay?" Miyuki asks, "Focus on your orgasm, but listen to what I have to say, okay?"

"Y-Yes!" Mei cries out, saliva pooling from the corner of his mouth. 'Tell me you love me, Kazuya! Tell me you want to be with me! Tell me you want to fuck me! Please! I'm gonna cum!'

"You love me and I appreciate that. I know our little back and forths are fun, but this 'us' needs to end."

"Wh-What do y-you mean—FUCK, right there! Kazuya, yes! I'm cumming!"

"I'm a father now, Mei. Furuya needs my undivided attention, which means I can't waste any more of my time on you. The way you cling onto me, love me, and pursue me sexually; they're all distractions. It would also make Furuya uncomfortable seeing us together, knowing the dynamic of our relationship. The week I spent with him opened my eyes to one thing—I need to do better.

"Aside from my own issues, I've disappointed too many people and lost their trust. Staying by Furuya's side and supporting him with every inch of my being is my last shot at redemption. In order to accomplish that, I can't entertain you, Mei. What I'm doing right now is just a service for you."

Mei hears him loud and clear, but the immense pleasure and numbness are holding his response time hostage. His knuckles are white from clenching the sheets and Miyuki's sleeve, red-faced, chest heaving uncontrollably, lips gasping Miyuki's name.

He's nearing orgasm.

The pit of his stomach twists into knots and he feels his release pooling, sweet yet electrifying. His back arches off the bed again, eyes wide as the tingling escalates, but like a Big Bang gone awry, Miyuki swiftly withdraws his fingers, and it vanishes.



An empty orgasm.

Mei still screams his name, however, there's a lack of fireworks and a final explosion of ecstasy he was expecting. It's quiet and vapid, and his trembling legs hit the bed.

Miyuki's words finally sink in. The hammer chips the final piece of his sanity away into the dark abyss, and at last, he can see what resides within it.


"Asshole," Mei says through gritted teeth, "You can't…you can't just throw me away like this! I understand that Furuya is important to you, but you don't have to get rid of me in the process!"

"Yes, I do," Miyuki counters matter-of-factly. He stands and grabs a wet wipe from the dresser to clean his fingers.

"N-No, it doesn't! We can still be friends!"

"You'll never consider me as just a friend and that's a problem. I'm not trying to hurt you—"

"Yes, you are! You know how much you mean to me, Kazuya. I love you. My love for baseball grew exponentially because of you. I'd do anything for you, except this. I can't let you walk out of my life so easily. Hell no. No way."

"I've already made up my mind, Mei. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise."

Mei falls into a panic as Miyuki walks to the door and puts on his shoes. He wants to latch onto his legs, drop to his knees and beg, but his body is drowning in imaginary quicksand.

"W-Wait," he says, his voice cracking, "What about all the things I've done for you? I helped you through your panic attacks. I was there whenever you called me to clear your head, blow off s-some steam. I would drop everything and run to you. Remember? I know you remember. You must feel some type of way about that. That must be meaningful to you, right? R-Right, Kazuya? Hmm?"

Hand on the doorknob, Miyuki turns around, "As I said earlier, I'm grateful and appreciative. I don't know what younger me would've done without you, but the current me needs to forge a new path. On my own. I'm sorry."

"Kazuya, what the hell? What the actual hell?! You're not seriously doing this to me!"

Miyuki is already out the door, and all Mei can do is stare at his back, like he's always done.

"Kazuya," he mutters, his arm hanging in the air, "Kazuya, no…come back…"

A beat, then chaos ensues.


Mei flies into a blinding rage, tears falling down his face as he thrashes about wildly, throwing everything he can to the floor. He screams, running his throat raw and scratchy, acrimony flowing through his veins.

"I did everything for you, Kazuya! Everything! When no one was there for you, I was! When your dad would terrorize you for being gay, I was there for you! When Sawamura broke up with you, I was there for you! When you'd wake up from your nightmares, crying and shaking, who was there for you? Me! Me, me, me!

"I did nothing but love and support you, so what the fuck did I do to deserve this?! What the FUCK did I do?! Was I just some convenient toy you abandoned because you have responsibilities now? Who the hell does that?!"

Mei stumbles over to his metal bat perched against the wall and starts swinging wildly, breaking and wrecking anything within reach. He dents the walls, his television screen, shatters his mirror, and repeatedly smashes his dresser until it caves in, demolished planks of wood littering the floor.

"You know what, Kazuya? I hate you! I did so much for you and you never gave a single fuck! If it weren't for me, you would've killed yourself already, you depressed piece of shit! It's not my fault your parents never fucking loved you! It's not my fault your mom made you watch her have sex with other men!

"It's not my fault your dad has a screw loose! It's not my fault you couldn't keep your dick in your pants and cheated on Sawamura! It's not my fault you got Furuya pregnant! It's not my fault you can't play baseball anymore! You deserve everything, everything, you're going through! I'll destroy you!"

Hearing Mei's outrage and the sound of things crashing, Masa and Itsuki sprint into his room, alarmed at the scene. The former lifts him by the waist while the latter seizes his bat.

"Let me go!" Mei screeches, deranged, trying to wriggle out of Masa's hold, "Let me go!"

"Your pride," Masa says, struggling to contain him, "Keep it intact. Compose yourself and put on your clothes. You're better than this."

Itsuki finds the blonde's shorts amidst the debris-filled aftermath of Hurricane Mei and forces them on, nearly getting kicked in the face by his flailing limbs.

"Freaking out won't do you any good, Mei-san," he says. 'Looks like he finally got Miyuki's message. Clearly, he hasn't received it too well.'

Through his tears, Mei spots his laptop, untouched by his wrathful storm. It would be the harbinger of pure pandemonium, and he possessed the key to unleashing it.

'You want to treat me like this, Kazuya? You want to abandon me? Okay. I'll crush you. I'll destroy you. I swear.'