Naked Girl

Yu was blowing on his injured finger. He grabbed the unopened bottle, opened it, then took a sip of the reddish-orange liquid in the bottle.

"Ppuah!" the boy immediately spit back the drink in his mouth. "How bitter! What kind of drink is this?!"

Alina laughed out loud to hear the story from the man.

"Oh my God, Yu," said the beautiful doctor. "You don't know what drink it is, but you drink it instead? Oh my god… you're so ridiculous!"

"What can I say?" said Yu. "At that time, I was very thirsty."

"But that drink will make you even more thirsty, Yu!"

"Yeah, that's how I feel. I wonder, why do elite people like drinks that don't taste good at all like that?"

Alina couldn't help but smile as she shook her head slightly. Maybe for Yu, who was too young at the time, the alcoholic drink didn't taste good to him. It would be a different story when he was an adult.

Well, maybe so, thought the doctor.

"What about now?" asked Alina. "You like that kind of drink?"

"Naa," said Yu. "Not at all."

"Seriously?" even the doctor's eyes widened as she stared at the figure of the man who was lying on his special chair. "You don't like alcohol at all?"

"I told you didn't I?" said the man. "It doesn't taste good, and I don't like it."

"Wow…!" Alina nodded.

One more good value in the man, she thought. At least, Alina knows for sure what kind of madness the elites are when they have a party, there will be various kinds of liquor. Especially, the men.

Even though she doesn't like it, Alina is a person who often consumes alcohol sometimes. A habit that was passed down from her parents over the years. Also, her environment is the nobility.

Even among the common people though. Alina knows for sure, that alcoholic drinks are often a kind of escape for them in dealing with life's problems. Especially the street thugs.

Of course, the quality of the alcoholic beverages consumed by the nobility differed greatly from the quality obtained by the commoners. And what little Yu found at that time was a type of drink that of course came from the best quality considering that the space beneath the surface of the sand belonged to an unknown noble.

That's why the beautiful doctor admired the man in front of her now. Because it is very rare for a man who is not tempted by alcoholic drinks that promise wild imaginations with the drink itself.

In other words, Yu may not be aware that his physical condition is better than most people's.

Is he so smart, thought Alina, that he doesn't drink alcohol for the sake of his health, or is it his naivety that makes him think more positively?

It is difficult for Alina to confirm this.

"Then, what happen?" asked the young doctor. "Isn't that glass cabinet full of similar drinks?"

"What else do you think?" Yu said. "I just let the drinks hang in the glass cabinet. After all, it won't be able to quench the thirst I feel."

Holding back his thirst, Yu, who was only eight years old, finally chose to just lie down on the luxurious sofa.

He just lay there for a moment, Yu just stood up and approached the edge of the pool. He took off all his clothes, he decided to just soak in the pool to quench his thirst. After all, Yu was also feeling stiflingly hot.

"I do not drink the pool water, just so you know."

"I know," Alina hid her laughter. "After all, who would want to drink someone's bathwater?"

"No. You're wrong."

"So you drank the pool water anyway?"

"That's not what I meant," said Yu. "I may not. But, out there, many people drink water from very dirty rivers."

Alina sighed heavily. Well, from several mass media, the young doctor often reads sad things like what Yu just said.

Life is one-sided these days, the beautiful doctor thought. The elite with all the luxuries of the facilities they have, top-class food and drink. While the commoners only get the remnants of what is called trash by the elite.

Sad. This is so sad, she thought.

"You know," Yu said a moment later. "When I managed to dismantle the pile of rubble that covered the corridor, I found two other rooms."

"Did you?" Alina took a deep breath, and it made her breasts look bigger.

For a moment, she wanted to forget about the gaps in life in this day and age.

"I think," said Yu, "that one is a kitchen. Well, you'll understand, I've never seen a kitchen so luxurious with tiled floors. All the utensils are stainless steel—I dunno! To me, it does look very luxurious."

"So there you found the food?"

"No," said Yu. "In the kitchen, I only found a supply of drinking water in a few gallons. A bowl of very dry and moldy fruit."

"Ah," Alina nodded. "I see. You found the food in the second room."

"That's how it is. I thought it was a room where food stock was kept."

"Well, I think so."

Little Yu was flabbergasted when he found several boxes of untouched food in the food storage room.

Without waiting any longer, little Yu immediately grabbed a box, opened the box, and smiled broadly. Yes, in the box there are pieces of meat with brownish gravy.

Yu immediately ate the food without washing his hands first. However, only a few seconds later the piece of meat was in his mouth, the boy's brow furrowed.

Alina laughed again. "What did you expect, Yu?"

"I just don't like the taste of the spices, Alina. It stings on my tongue."

"Are all the foods you find the same?"

"No. There's meat, chicken, vegetables, fruit soup, nuts."

"You did find a lot of food."

"Yeah, I did. But it just lasts for the next week. Not too much."

"What did you do after that?"

"After I ate the food inside the lunch box, well, even though I half forced myself to do it, I looked for a way out."

"You found it?"

"Unfortunately, behind the door at the end of the corridor, the gap between the two rooms is completely blocked by dirt and sand."

"Too bad, huh?"

"Yeah, it is. However, I found a way out after dismantling the hole in the food storage room."

"Aah, that's how you got out of that underground!"

"I think it might be the rats."

"Rat?" repeated Alina.

"What did you expect, Alina?" Yu said with a chuckle. "It is a food storage room. After all, everything is underground."

"Well, it looks like it's going to be a rat's nest."

"No, not like that. Although I saw a few rats in the room, but not as much as you think."