Enjoy life

A young doctor stepped along the corridor of the large, deserted facility. Automatic doors opened in both directions, and the doctor stepped into another building on one side of the corridor.

The doctor who was carrying a thin transparent tablet smiled when he saw Yu who was already by the pool, he was warming up before starting his session.

"Good afternoon, Yu."

"Afternoon, Doc."

"You came earlier this time, huh?" said the doctor as he approached Yu. "How was your simulation session this morning?"

"Everything is going well," Yu replied. "Thank you for asking."

The doctor smiled. "Found something different this time?"

"Well, you can say it like that."

"Ah, I see?"

"You know, I found a planet that has no land?"

"Aah…" the doctor nodded slightly.

"There is only a vast ocean that covers the entire surface of the planet."

"You found life there?" asked the doctor. "You know, finding a life form on an alien planet is a scientist's dream."

"Yeah, that's what I heard."

"All right, are you done with your warm-up?"

Yu nodded while twisting his waist in such a way. "What should I do now, Doc?"

'Let's see how long you can hold your breath underwater."

"Very well, I guess."

Yu immediately plunged into the swimming pool, while the young doctor pulled a chair closer to the edge of the pool, and then sat on the chair.

"You can start now, Yu!" said the doctor.

Yu took a deep breath first before finally diving in, along with that, the doctor activated the timer on his tablet.

Below the surface of the water, Yu tried to stay calm, he even let his body float in the middle of the water. He floated without moving his body at all, only his eyes were open looking at the bright blue pool floor.

Yu turned around very slowly. Sometimes it faces down, then turns slowly until it faces up. He didn't do all that on purpose because he didn't move his arms and legs one bit.

The doctor who was watching just smiled. After all, some people do easily sink to the bottom of the pool, and some will float like the man in the pool is now experiencing.

And also, this was in line with what the man was about to do, the doctor thought. In outer space, a vacuum will make any object float.

Five minutes later, Yu came to the surface to catch his breath because his lungs were screaming for oxygen.

"Not so bad," said the doctor.

"How long?"

"Five minutes to three seconds," replied the doctor. "You want to try again?"

"Just a moment, Doc. Give me a chance to catch my breath."

The doctor laughed softly.


After having dinner and resting for an hour, Yu decided to sleep early. He was so excited to see Alina again at their session tomorrow morning.

But in reality, Yu had been lying in bed for more than two hours, and until then he had not been able to close his eyes at all. Every time he closed his eyes, Alina's face was always in his head. What's more, besides being beautiful with a clean face and skin, the young doctor has big breasts. This alone gave Yu a chill, and even the cock in his groin was throbbing erratically.

Then about the street thugs who almost made himself a toy for them. Luckily, he had considered that a long time ago while living in that underground room.

"How are they now?" Yu muttered half inaudibly.

Ten years have passed since that incident. Yu wasn't sure if the five street thugs could survive. Nor could they find a way out. The only thing that could keep them alive, was the hole in the dome in the octagonal room. From there oxygen can enter the room.

But, without food and drink?

Well, they must have been bones for a long time, Yu thought.

He glanced at the timepiece on his wrist. 08:15:04 PM.

This sucks! He thought, again.

In the end, instead of being stuck in the room without being able to do anything useful, Yu finally decided to go outside. Maybe a stroll while enjoying the excitement of a night in the city will be entertaining, he thought.

"Hey, you decided to go out tonight, huh?" someone said as Yu just walked out of the facility's building entrance.

Yu smiled at the man. He was the same man from the previous night who had invited Yu to join in enjoying the service of the street girls.

"Yeah," Yu said with both hands in the front pockets of his pants. The air is quite cool tonight, he thought. "I can't sleep despite trying. I thought that a short walk in the crowd would tire me out, and after that, I could sleep soundly."

"Oh, I see, huh?" the mechanic smiled as he nodded slightly.

"What about yourself?"

"Yeah," he shrugs as he rolls up a strand of cable. "I'll be out after this."

"Looks like you always have fun every night?"

"Well, you're right," the mechanic chuckled, nodding. "You know, while we're still alive, why not try to have all the fun we want?"

Yu just laughed at the man's slogan. For Yu himself, you can't have all things, you can't feel all pleasant things.

"You want to come with me?"

"I don't know, man!" Yu let out a long and heavy sigh.

"Come on, man!" the mechanic chuckled. "At least, for a drink."

"That's the problem," said Yu. "I don't drink alcohol."

"Ow…" the mechanic looked Yu up and down. "Not a glass?"


"Wow…" he chuckled again. "What are you, huh? A saint, is that so?"

Yu laughed hearing that. "No, it's not like that," he said. "I don't like the biting taste. Just that."

"Hey, man," said the mechanic. "You do seem to have to come with me once in a while, just so you know, that there's a wide variety of drinks in this town."

"I see, huh?"

"So?" asked the mechanic as he finished his work. "If you want, we can go now. What do you think?"

Yu thought for a moment. It seems, there is no harm in trying. It's not about the alcoholic drinks, it's more about enjoying the hustle and bustle of the city with the mechanic.

"All right," Yu nodded. "I'll come with you."

