Hope and Desire

"They say, not everyone sees wealth as happiness," said the male doctor who was no older than Yu in his chair. "Perhaps, that is also the principle for Doctor Alina."

"How about yourself, Doc?"

Yu was floating on the surface of the pool water with his face facing up. His hands and feet only moved occasionally and slowly to keep his body floating like that.

"I don't know," the young doctor smiled broadly. "Without wealth, I don't think it would be easy to live life in today's world. Well, like the vagabonds outside these city walls, for example."

"Suppose people at the beginning of the 20th century crossed time, and then stopped by our time today. What do you think they will say?"

The young doctor laughed almost silently. "Your question is not an easy one for me to answer."

"Yeah, I know. But, just guessing!"

"I don't know," the doctor took a deep breath. "From the records of human history itself, it was in that era that the beginning of the destruction of Mother Earth had begun. Hazardous wastes are haphazardly dumped into rivers, seas… or nuclear tests which have resulted in many areas being uninhabitable until now. So, well… even if they were able to create a time machine in those days, and then stop by today, I don't think they would be too surprised by the condition of Earth and its life."

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"Okay, Yu. Enough for today," the doctor stopped the timer on the tablet screen in his hand. "Come up!"

Yu then turned around, he dived for a while before finally heading for the stairs to get out of the pool.

"Tomorrow is the last day of all your sessions," said the doctor as he threw a towel at Yu who approached him. "And after that, you will get your due for three days."

Yes, Yu had heard that at the beginning he was accepted as a volunteer willing to enter The Black Eye. During those three days, Yu would receive some money to do whatever he wanted.

But in truth, Yu was not tempted by such a large amount of money. He did all this, willing to enter the Black Hole, all because he was bored with his life which he judged to be meaningless in the slightest, that's all.

"All right, Yu. See you in the last session tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Doc."

Yu took a deep breath as he watched the young doctor's back as he left the room. He then sat on a long bench without a backrest while rubbing his hairless head with a towel.

"Is that so, Alina?" he muttered half inaudibly.

Is it true that you are not happy at all with your life which makes billions of people out there jealous? Like me?

Then, what is the meaning of your smile and cheerfulness that I have seen in the past few days?

To hide your sadness, is that so?

Yu even carried his thoughts of Alina to the time he was in the bathroom. Pensive again, for quite a long time under the tap. While eating his dinner, as well as taking a stroll outside the fences of Akimura Tech's facilities.

Until when the man was on the bed in his room, he kept thinking about Alina. That beautiful doctor shouldn't be unhappy, he thought.

Yeah, the bastard who's his fiancé should understand Alina who's going to be his wife. Though he should be grateful, Yu thought, getting the beautiful Alina with such a fantastic body is a stroke of luck.

"Imagine if I were Alina's fiancé!" Yu muttered with his arms folded up into a wedge for his head. "I'll make sure she won't be unhappy. Because angels should not be sad."

Yu smiled to himself with his words.

Tomorrow is my last day of the simulation, Yu thought as he looked up at the ceiling. Should I try again to ask Alina out? Could she be willing to accept my request?

After all, tomorrow is also our last day together. There won't be any of us together for the next three days. I don't think so at the time of my departure, Alina was just my supervising doctor during the simulation. And after that, there are only aircraft technicians, maybe one or two scientists who will accompany Mr. Akimura.

How about it, Alina? Will you be my date in the next three days after tomorrow?

No-no-no, just one day… or, even an hour is fine. And after that, I can die happily.


The next morning, Yu got up early, took a shower, had breakfast, and then rushed to the simulation room to wait for Doctor Alina.

Yu didn't know for sure what had happened to him, but since last night he had been feeling nervous. There was a sense of dread and anxiety that the thirty-year-old man felt on the last day of his simulation with Alina.

After removing his clothes leaving only his underpants in the changing room, Yu finally sat down at a table, beside the stainless steel table on wheels. Sitting daydreaming with all the anxiety and fear growing inside him.

And when Doctor Alina appeared at the same time, Yu could no longer contain his worries.

"Morning, Yu," said Alina.

Yu immediately got off the table and approached Alina. The beautiful doctor frowned at the sight of Yu, who seemed confused, also frightened.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Please," said Yu as he cupped Alina's shoulders. "Will you be my date tonight? Or—Or tomorrow?"

"What happened to you?" Alina smiled with more and more wrinkles on her forehead. "Now you're the one acting weird!"


"Let me guess," said Alina. "Alex gave you some kind of libido-boosting pill?"

"No, this has nothing to do with anything else, Alina."

"Then why do you suddenly look so worried and scared?"

"I—I was just trying to color my life with you, that's all."

"Yu?" Alina tilted her head slightly looking at Yu's face that was so close to hers.

"I know," said Yu, who finally felt uncomfortable looking at that beautiful face for so long, and he chose to lower his gaze. "This is our last day together in this simulation. And, and I don't think there will ever be another chance to meet you instead of asking you out."

"Oh, Yu…" Alina took a deep breath. "Sit down, calm yourself first."

Yu let out a long, heavy sigh before finally stumbling halfway towards the special chair while Alina checked everything on the stainless steel table on wheels.