Yu and His Way

Today, Yu decided to take a stroll, and take another look at the hustle and bustle of the city inside The Wall, and he is still amazed by the cleanliness of the urban streets. Not only on the streets but also on almost every corner, in every part he encountered.

Among the terrible and sad things happening in today's world, perhaps the cleanliness he witnessed was the one that could make Yu smile.

The half-naked beautiful bodies had even been out this morning, posing in such a way at points they might have rented from the brokers. Of course, the goal is only one, to collect sheet after sheet of money that seems to have become a god to humans at this time.

No money, you'll just starve and live a miserable life on the streets, maybe even be expelled from this neighborhood of The Wall.

Again, Yu couldn't help but smile back at the girls who called out to him with a sighing voice, teasing desire. But Yu had already promised.

Last night, when he was going to sleep, Yu again imagined how soft Alina's lips were when they kissed, this will no longer be possible. After all, the opportunity to meet again is not necessarily there.

And that's why, Yu, promised that night, that he would not give his virginity to any girl.

Let me be a virgin for life instead of having to have first impressions with those street girls, Yu thought.

Neither did the shops displaying fine clothes that Yu never got. Or electronic devices such as sophisticated cell phones, luxury watches, and so on. Even though Yu held a credit card with a large balance.

The traveling ice cream vendor in her car frowned when Yu handed over the credit card for the portion of ice cream he ordered.

But Yu just laughed in his heart. After all, nothing could make him feel like he had to shop for this and that. After all, after his vacation was over, he would fly into space towards the Black Eye. The possibility of being able to return to Earth safely is only zero point zero a few percent, aka almost impossible.

So, why shop for this and that if it can only be enjoyed for two or three days?

"Thank you," said Yu, taking back his credit card.

"Are you part of those elites?" asked the ice dealer who was a woman around the same age as Yu himself.

Yu smiled as he enjoyed the ice cream in his hands, shook his head slightly, and chose to sit on a bench on the edge of the clean sidewalk.

"But you have a credit card with the elite logo on it?"

Yu shrugged his shoulders. "Your ice cream is so delicious."

The woman laughed softly, shaking her head. "I've never seen you here before. Are you new?"

"Yes and no."

Again, the woman frowned. "What kind of answer is that anyway?"

Yu smiled broadly as he licked his ice cream, one leg propped up on the other, one arm outstretched on the back of the bench.

"I mean," said Yu, "yes, I'm new to this city. And no, because I'm only here temporarily."

"So you're from outside the walls?"

"That's how it is."

"Until when?"

"In three days, I will leave this beautiful city."

"Aah…" the woman nodded. "How are conditions outside? You know, I've never been outside this walled environment at all."

"Believe me," said Yu, "it's much better here."

"Yeah, I heard that too. You work for Akimura Tech?"

The woman moved her head slightly to point at the alpha blue logo in the Greek alphabet on the right chest of the long-sleeved T-shirt Yu was currently wearing.

"Sort of," said Yu, then he stood up. "Thank you, your ice cream's really delicious."

The woman smiled and nodded her head. "Hey, what's your name?"

"Yu," the man replied as he turned and walked over.


But Yu just laughed softly as he raised one hand to shoulder height, and enjoyed the ice cream in the other.

Yu continued to walk from one direction to another, while enjoying the ice cream, and the other hand was in the front pocket of his pants. He ignored the stares of the girls laughing at him. Well, he's like a kid who just tried a new ice cream flavor.

He decided to return to visit the artificial lake, near another Akimura facility, a facility he knew held a spaceship that he would later use to leave Earth.

What was the plane like? Well, Yu didn't know that at all. He had tried to find out through Akimura Tech's website, but the existence of the spacecraft seemed to have been kept secret.

The shores of this lake are indeed relaxing, Yu thought when he was there. Sitting under the same tree, leaning on the same point, facing the same direction.

It seems that this time there are no anglers around the lake. Yu didn't find any of them, like before.

However, there was something strange about his hearing. Yu tried to look around, looking at the spots hidden by the bushes and trees.

"Good grief…!" Yu smiled as he shook his head.

The bushes swayed, and the sound that came from the bushes was the strangest thing for Yu to hear, and it still keeps on hearing. A couple seems to deliberately make the shores of this peaceful and quiet lake a place for them to make love.

But, that seems ridiculous, Yu thought. What if they get stung by a bee? Wasp? Or other venomous insects?

Not a pleasure you will get but instead, you have to be rushed to the hospital.

Yu chuckled at the thought. Come on, none of my business!

He tried to close his eyes, enjoying the gentle caress of the wind.

He just wanted to enjoy his last days on Earth in his way. Someone else might have had fun spending the balance on the credit card considering he only had three days left.

Well, maybe by making love to any girl, from bar to bar. Or drinking, getting drunk. Or whatever it is.

But not with Yu. He just sat on the ground, leaning against a tree, enjoying the caress of the wind. This was much better for him.
