Almost Destroyed

Again Yu took a deep breath in response to Alexander's words. Of course, he thought.

If the world's elite people use the serum to maintain their health or roughly for the sake of wanting eternal life, then the common people are competing to use the serum for their groin pleasure. At least, that was what Yu had witnessed while still on Earth.

And whatever the reason behind the use of the serum, now, everyone suffers the consequences. Everyone on Earth became alarmed by the complications that the serum itself would eventually cause.

The magic serum becomes the death serum.

Yu let out a long and heavy sigh.

"I may have survived the stabbed death of that brat," said Alexander with a languid face and lowered his head. "But, Yu… I didn't survive that serum, Yu."

"But you're still alive!" Yu said spontaneously. "You look healthy and fine, my friend!"