On the Verge of Extinction

The 135th day of the Akimura Tech spacecraft's Into the Hole mission.

The alarm on the watch on Yu's left wrist went off at exactly 06:00:00 AM. Yu had deliberately woken up earlier recently, especially after the incident at the last asteroid field.

Yu left his bed pod to get drinking water in the small kitchen, in the food storage room. After that, he went straight to the fitness room to maintain the performance of his muscles and nerves in good condition amidst the zero-gravity conditions in the spacecraft.

After exercising for about an hour, Yu didn't use the bathroom. He became a little more concerned with the plane's energy reserves if he had to go back to using the anti-gravity system.

Yu only used a small towel to wipe the sweat off his face and body, after he felt his temperature drop a bit, he went to eat his breakfast, with the menu almost unchanged.