Slightly Disturbing Things

"Okay," Alina muttered.


"Hi, Yu," said Alina, trying to smile. "I'm sorry I haven't sent you a video in a while. But, I think you may have guessed what is happening to us on Earth. Yeah, you can imagine this from the videos I've sent you before. Or from the people at the Akimura Tech control building.

I thought… you must be laughing at our stupidity again—the elites, with this cataclysm that nearly wiped out humanity. I can understand that. The rest of us seemed to be at the end of a cliff. The remaining humans on Earth can no longer produce offspring, Yu. This is sad… so sad.

At least, until scientists find an antidote to eliminate the adverse effects of the Healer on our bodies, then there will be no new births on Earth after this, Yu.