Missing Resources

Nathan laughed softly, glancing at Alina with a warm gaze. "We're not talking about whether or not this cloning technology is ethical, honey."

"I know."

"Suppose we've got one sample or superior cell after going through several selections and categories," Nathan took a deep breath. "Of course, because we all want the best, right?"

"For sure!"

"Well," Nathan smirked softly. "The question is, where are we going to get that superior cell, honey?"

Alina sighed heavily and long. "Yeah, you're right," she said weakly. She understood now what Nathan had previously said. "There is not a single human being today who is not contaminated with the negative effects of the Healer."

Even if they could say they could get genetic cells or whatever from a laboratory, or bags of blood in cold storage in any hospital, it would be a complete waste of time.