
"In a more limited area," said Alexander. "Like a small island, we can do things more freely."

Jerry frowned as he looked at the man in front of him.

"At least," said Alexander, "we have weapons, Jerry. If I have to kill the savages who turn out to be on one or two islands we will visit later, I will gladly do it."

"You're really going to do it?"

"Why not?" Alexander shrugged his shoulders. "At least, we are in the middle of the sea, on a small land, securing that land for the sake of where we live, of course, I will do anything for that."

Jerry took a deep breath, he glanced back at his sleeping daughter.

"Hey," he said. "How about we light a bonfire? It's just a small one, it doesn't have to be big."

Alexander understood Jerry would not want his emaciated daughter to be tormented by the cold night wind.