Uninvited Guests

That morning, everyone living on Virgin Island was surprised by the appearance of a large cruise near the south coast of the island.

Rachel D'Amethyst had been summoned there, accompanied by Nathan Beardsley and the other nine Beardsley.

"There was no sign of life on the cruise," Rachel said, watching the cruise with binoculars in hand.

"How long has the cruise been there?" Nathan asked an armed officer.

"Since six in the morning," said the officer. "Two officers on patrol found the ship."

At least, the big cruise was about three hundred meters from the southern coast of the Virgin Island.

"No suspicious movements?"

"Not at all, Mr. Beardsley," said the officer.

"We can't allow this," said a man besides Nathan. "This is like a mind game, we have to destroy that cruise right now!"

"Brother," said Nathan. "Don't rush into a decision."